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Training Course

12-20 October 2023 | Hopeland eco - community , Greece

Pause is an 8-day intensive training focused on empowering trainers & youth workers to support young people increase their self-awareness upon their relationship with technology and building more healthy habits on using it.


Are you a passionate youth worker or educator ready to embrace the challenges of our digital era?

Are you seeking innovative ways to engage with young people and navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology?

If so, we invite you to join us for a transformative learning experience that will equip you with the tools and knowledge to effectively support young individuals in a digital world. In today’s society, the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, especially for young people. The COVID-19 pandemic further accelerated our reliance on technology, with an average of six hours per day spent online by young individuals in the EU. While the digital world offers countless opportunities for communication and socialization, it also poses risks, such as impacting brain development and contributing to higher rates of depression among frequent users.

Pause is a training course about empowering facilitarors, trainers and youth workers with the skills to support young people to increase their self-awareness upon their relationship with technology, build more healthy habits on using it, and improving their soft skills at the same time, all through disconnection.

About Pause 

The methodology of disconnection

With the new data regarding how attached we have grown to technology after the COVID-19 pandemic, our approach to disconnection from technology has the aim of creating new working ways, to expand youth workers’ creativity, and at the same time create a healthy relationship with the use of technological devices.

As youth workers and educators, we navigate this new digital reality alongside the young people we serve. It is our responsibility to adapt and respond to the changing needs of our digital natives.

It’s not the first time we organise projects with this kind of methodology; After managing the Youth Exchanges “Unplugged” (2021), “Out of Spiral” (2021), “Tandem” (2022) and 'Chakras" (2023),, in Hopeland, we decided to create Pause to educate youth workers on how to employ this methodology for themselves and their activities, to bring positive change in the wellbeing of themselves, the youth they work with, and their communities.

Throughout the course, we will guide you through:

  • taking part in a number of activities aimed to raise personal awareness, direct interaction with other people and nature, and to build healthier habits around technology.
  • practicing and developing your own facilitation and workshop development skills, with theoretical inputs and support from both the trainers and the participants
  • experiencing the effect of staying disconnected from technology for 8 days: we will close all technologic devices (phones, laptops, cameras, watches, music players, etc.) in a safe box and we will take them back 8 days after.

Pause is based on the idea that first, we experience ourselves, after, we transmit what we learned to others.


The 4 levels of competence guides your learning journey, helping you reflect on your skill levels, set goals, and track your learning progress.

(Dis)connection where we will give up our phones and lock them in a box for several days, so we can fully immerse ourselves in the process.

De Galam Method will enhance your facilitation and youth work competencies through experiential learning, reflection, and feedback.

System Change to foster understanding of technology's impact, exploring individual behavior, social systems, and broader societal context.

Self - Organized Learning building an environment where you will be able to engage in self-directed learning and collaboration.

Stages of Grop Development guiding our collective journey, forming a cohesive learning community, navigating challenges, and establishing shared norms.

What you can get out of it 

Pause has a strong element of reconnection.

Throughout the project , we will guide you through reconnecting:

  • With yourself, by self-reflection and diving deep into your own relationship with technology and its impact on your wellbeing. We will explore our own habits, find balance, and reconnect with our own values and priorities.
  • With young people, by gaining insights into the challenges they face in the digital age and learning strategies to support their wellbeing, personal growth, and development.
  • With each other, by working together as a community after a long period of social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
  • With nature, by living in and supporting a holistically sustainable eco-community together.
  • With technology, by taking time off of it so you can reconnect with it in a way that is healthy for you.


  • Online preparation | September - 11 October
  • Arrival & Initiation of the program | 12 October
  • Program ends | 19 October
  • Departure | 20 October
  • Follow up period | until December 8th

The project is for you if you are

  • Working with other people as a job or voluntarily.
  • Willing to disconnect from digital devices for 8 days.
  • Willing to co-create part of the program.
  • Willing to live and learn outdoors for 8 days (meaning basic conditions: tent, limited shower, etc.).
  • Willing to be part of a learning community.
  • Willing to actively participate in community building and building things in Hopeland and the nearby village, Malandreni.

More details

Info: https://bit.ly/Pause_infopack

Apply: https://bit.ly/Pause_call_for_participants

Event: https://bit.ly/Pause_Fb_Event



Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 36 participants

from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth policy makers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches

Working language(s):



Hopeland (Youth NGO)

Hopeland educational eco-community is built with lots of love and (mainly) with natural materials from volunteers, visitors and guests who have visited and stayed with us throughout the last 10 years.

Our mission is to to provide a space where people explore, create and learn from each other and nature. A space in which our actions and interactions are based on our core values of sustainability, mindfulness, synergy, and of course.. hope!

Hopeland is offering various experiential learning experiences through the Erasmus+ and ESC programs, mainly on the topics of personal growth, community and environment.

We are welcoming young people, educators and local farmers to join forces with us and together contribute towards our wider vision of a society with deep community spirit and involvement in personal, social and environmental growth.

Contact for questions:

Despoina Rafailidou


Phone: +306973064768


Participation fee

We ask participants to contribute to the programme by investing 50€. This contribution is directly going to the enhancement of the place (eco-buildings, planting trees, etc). It grants you also a lifetime connection with the place by planting literally your seed to Hopeland. However, we are open to alternative ways of contribution.

This programme is for everyone.

Accommodation and food

This training program is co-funded through the Erasmus+ program, therefore accommodation and food are fully covered.


Travel reimbursement

  • Italy - up to 150€
  • Bulgaria - up to 150€ (or 180 green travel)
  • Greece - depends on your residency
  • Poland - up to 245€
  • Romania - up to 245€
  • Czech Republic - up to 245€
  • Germany - up to 245€
  • Lithuania - up to 245€
  • Hungary - up to 245€
  • Spain - up to 330€
  • Latvia - up to 330€ (or 380 green travel)
  • Netherlands - up to 330€
  • Estonia - up to 330€

Keep in mind that we have already kept 30€ from your Travel Reimbursement amount in order to pay for the bus from Korinthos - Hopeland and back, as there's no other way to reach Hopeland. In this way, you will have no extra costs for Korinthos - Hopeland - Korinthos.

Sustainable Travelling

As we are an eco-organisation, we promote sustainable travelling. We invite you to use more ecological means of transport such as buses and trains. For some countries there's the option of Green Traveling, which grants you with extra budget - you can get in contact with us regarding the requirements for this upon confirmation. If a sustainable travel option is not possible and you opt for a flight, we will plant at least a tree per person in Hopeland to compensate for part of the CO2 emitted from your flights.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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