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Nordic Thematic Seminar: Health and Well-Being of Young People


25-27 February 2019 | Helsinki, Finland

The Nordic Thematic Seminar is organised for representatives from ongoing Erasmus+ projects. It aims to focus on how the EU priority of health and well-being is relevant in European youth projects and youth work in general.

Highlighting an important priority

Young people's health and well-being is a permanent priority in Erasmus+ Youth in Action and it is also highlighted in the European Youth Strategy. Many promoters have chosen it as a theme in their projects, but it is also a theme that comes up universally in all our work with young people. As educators we have the duty to support the mental, physical and social well-being of the young we work with.

The Nordic Seminar highlights research results and general understanding about the well-being of Nordic young people. It offers tools and good practices for supporting young people's well-being in Erasmus+ projects and youth work in general. Practicioners outside the Erasmus+ projects will share their expertise, whereas project promoters present their working ways too.

Health and well-being is a wide topic

Health and well-being are a wide topic to look at. The seminar will concentrate on four strands of well-being:

  • Mental health
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Empowerment
  • Belonging

Young people's mental health is the overriding topic that comes up on many levels: statistics and research, general understanding of mental health, practical tools for supporting mental health and project examples of good practices. The programme starts with a more general look and dives deeper into understanding during the days.

Healthy lifestyle can include many aspects relevant for your project and youth work. Topics that can be tackled include e.g. outdoor activities, sports, healthy body images, drugs and alcohol, sexual health and healthy food.

Empowerment links to the support that some young people need in order to take part in activities or in life as general. Good waysof empowering young people with fewer opportunities exist in projects and organisations.

Belonging is a basic human need. We have the need to have social contacts and friendships. We suffer, when we are excluded. How can we fight back loneliness?

Objectives of the seminar

  • to have a better understanding of the well-being of the Nordic youth
  • to learn ways to support young people's mental health in European youth projects
  • to share good practices on how to support young people's well-being or how to tackle the topic in European youth projects
  • to diminish the stigma around mental health issues in youth work

The programme consists of inputs of external experts, workshops on relevant topics, project presentations and sharing of practical tools. Workshops are interactive and many tools can be transferred into own work.

Participants from ongoing projects

The participants for the seminar come from Erasmus+ Youth in Action projects that are currently ongoing or starting very soon. If the project period of your project is ongoing or you have been approved in the October application round in 2018, you are an eligible participant. All project types and key actions are welcome to join.

The short term activities of youth exchanges, youth worker mobility projects or meetings of young people and decision makers may already have already happened or are happening later. Long term activities like volunteering projects, transnational youth initiatives or strategic partnerships can be ongoing. 


  • over 18
  • has a relevant role in relation to the project
  • is interested in developing the competences in supporting young people's well-being
  • comes from an ongoing project
  • is willing to work in English



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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Seminar is

for 60 participants

from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, This acticity is open for representatives of ONGOING PROJECTS. Group leaders in youth exchanges, mentors and work instructors of volunteering projects, project coordinators, facilitators in projects, other relevant people in projects.

Accessibility info:

This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.

Working language(s):



Finnish National Agency of Education EDUFI (National Agency)

The National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme in Finland


  • National Agencies of Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Sweden (National Agency)

Contact for questions:

Paavo Pyykkönen


Phone: +358 400 247 774


Participation fee

The organisers have to cover 5% of the project costs in co-funding. The countries use different strategies in covering the co-funding needs. Some countries charge a participation fee, some do not.

  • Finland: no participation fee
  • Norway: 500 NOK deduction of travel reimbursement
  • Iceland: 10% of the travel costs
  • Denmark: no participation fee, travel costs reimbursed up to 500€
  • Sweden: 1250 SEK

Please contact the representative of your country if you have further questions:

  • Finland: Paavo Pyykkönen (paavo.pyykkonen@oph.fi)
  • Sweden: Karin Persdotter (karin.persdotter@mucf.se)
  • Denmark: Louise Frilund (lfr@ufm.dk)
  • Iceland: Helga Dagný Árnadóttir (helda.d.arnadottir@rannis.is)
  • Norway: Gry Nesse (gry.nesse@bufdir.no)


Accommodation and food

The seminar takes place in Scandic Aviacongress in Helsinki, Finland.


  • Lunch is covered Mon 25.2.-Wed 27.2.
  • Dinner is covered Mon 25.2.-Tue 26.2.
  • Breakfast is covered Tue 26.2.-Wed 27.2.
  • Coffee breaks are included

Accommodation in single rooms, butif you wish to share, please let us know in the application.

Arrival for Icelandic participants is arranged already on Sunday 24.2.

Travel reimbursement

Your travel costs are reimbursed against relevant travel documents/receipts after your trip. You will get more detailed information on reimbursement procedures of travel costs after your selection has been approved.


Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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