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Training Course
27 May - 8 June 2015 | Păulești, Romania
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This Training Course is
for 32 participants
from Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Romania
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers
Working language(s):
D.G.T. Association (Youth NGO)
DGT Association has been officially established in March 2011.. We believe in positive change and personal development of young people and community in which we develop our activities.
DGT's mission is to create a network of young people, students of different nationalities interested in topics such as non-formal Education, Communication, Branding, Journalism, Ecology, intercultural exchanges, Sustainable Development, European citizenship, climate change, etc. Geopolitics. Our association members have expertise in areas ranging from the technical, economic and going to political and communication.
We have experience in writing international projects like the Youth in Action Programme ( 1.1 Youth Exchanges, 3.1.a and b, 4.3 action) and national projects. DGT has been involved in a project 5.1YiA named "A Different Kind of Education"together with 13 other NGOs implement from Romania .
Also, D.G.T. Association have the largest online network of young volunteers and organizations across Europe - Do great Things network (25.000 active youngsters) and over 80 youth in action activities that association has been partner.
The trainers and project coordinators association members have a vast experience in participating in international projects, but also in the local ones which allowed the development of the association and to increase the awareness regarding our activities.
One of our organizational goals is to diversify the profile of the projects the organization is involved in, creating strong capsules with non-formal education specialists in different areas such as sustainability, communication, career guidance, development of skills of young people, so that after graduation, with volunteer experience and by developing a strong set of skills to facilitate their access to the labor market integration.
Contact for questions:
Emilia Radu
Phone: 0040755935588