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New Perspective on Employability
Training Course
4-12 September 2016 | Dobrá Voda, Slovak Republic
"New Perspective on Employability" is innovative training course for those who want to increase chances of young people on the labour market.
We will explore how to support young people on their journey using coaching methods.
This is a last minute call only for 1 participant from: Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.
The training itself will bring together 30 participants from Croatia, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Macedonia, Romania, Spain, and Turkey.
"New Perspective on Employability" is practical training course for youth workers, teachers, social workers and people who work with young people who want to learn, develop their skills and increase their chances on the labour market. The training explores the theme of employability. The aim is to strengthen and expand the capacity of youth workers and youth leaders in supporting young people, their entrepreneurship and employability.
New Perspective on Employability is designed for people who are ready to learn, explore, discover and develop their skills and will be able to use it later in their jobs and communities.
The program will develop skills needed in order to support young people and their entrepreneurial spirit. Participants will have the opportunity to experience work on a project and also being supported by coaching methods. Participants will also practice coaching to support others.
We will work on all important employability skills through experiential exercises. And we will experience it all in meeting with local community.
The programme will be very flexible and we will be ready to adapt it following very closely the participants’ needs and expectations for the course; plus, a space will always be open for participants who will want a more active role, taking the initiative and practicing non-formal education by actually doing it.
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Training overview
This activityhas already happened!
This Training Course is
for 30 participants
from Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Slovak Republic
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Teachers, Social workers and people who work with young unemployed people
Working language(s):
Play It Big (Youth NGO)
Contact for questions:
Phone: +421944094688
Travel costs: will be refunded after the end of the course, after providing all the original tickets and receipts. We will cover 100% of you actual expenses, but only up to the maximum amounts listed below:
• Croatia, Poland, Slovakia: 180€
• Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Romania: 275€
Food and accommodation: will be fully covered by the organisers.
Participation fee: Money shouldn’t be the only obstacle against your participation - therefore we suggest a sliding scale from 20 to 50€. We want to give you the possibility to self-evaluate how much you can contribute financially, and how much you consider a fair fee for 8 days training programme.
Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass: