European Training Calendar
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Training Course
30 June - 9 July 2023 | Samothraki Island, Greece
NaturalCompassion will be introducing an innovative way to combine evidence-based science and deep inner knowledge from indigenous practices in order to reach a deep understanding of the developmental needs of a person in every stage of their lives. We aim to provide the means for the participants to step close to their wholeness. That way their target groups will be provided with healthy role models of functioning and well-developed adult figures. Wholeness and coherency are something youth is severely lacking in our uncertain times. Thus, youth workers will fill that need as they will gain the competences to develop and facilitate practices that lead in that direction.
NaturalCompassion is an opportunity and a way to create a group of innovators who can not only spread the message but be the message, as well. We plan to develop a community of open-minded and critical- thinking workers who recognize the new challenges and take action to solve them with modern resources based on proven approaches and practices. By integrating the concepts and the practices with the experience during the course, we want to encourage them in activities on all levels. We want to extend the impact of the project and reach out to youth and social workers on a wider scale.
***Trainers team***
Ognian Gadoularov (Bulgaria) Anastasia Priyamvada Charitidou (Greece), Tina Kovacic (Slovenia)
***Who is this Training For?***
Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.
This activity has already happened!
This Training Course is
for 33 participants
from Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Georgia, Greece, Jordan, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, Youth researchers, Educators, People who work with Groups, Social Workers
Lovecommunity (Others)
Contact for questions:
Anastasia Charitidou
Phone: +306974521959
There is no participation fee
Vegetarian and Vegan food will be provided
Accomodation in shared tents in a camping site will be provided
In case we will buy the ferry boat tickets for everyone the ammount will be deducted from the max. amounts presented below:
max. 275 euros- Jordan, Georgia, Poland, France, Croatia, Slovakia,
max. 360 euros- Spain
max. 320 euros- (green travel) Romania, Slovenia
max. 210 euros- (green travel) Bulgaria, Greece