European Training Calendar
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Training Course
27 November - 1 December 2023 | Brussels / Bruxelles, Belgium - FR
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If you want the young people in your municipality to be actively engaged and involved you need to involve them in decision making and development of youth policies. Municipalities and regional public authorities should therefore commit to:
With this commitment you will develop the quality of your local democracy. We believe that when young people are informed, trained, empowered and entrusted they will be better actors of change and promoters of democracy.
About Democracy Reloading
Democracy Reloading Partnership is a long-term cooperation project of 20 Erasmus+ Youth national agencies that started in 2015, with the aim to contribute to the development of youth participation in democratic decision-making at local and regional level across Europe. Based on the lessons learned of the first 5 years and a research study an online Tolkit was desigend in 2020 to support local municipal youth policy officers to design, implement, imrove and evaluate municipal youth participation. The Partnership runs until 2027 and includes the continuous improvement of the Toolkit, organising training courses, webinars and conferences in the topic. you actually work on this. The Toolkit is available here:
Objectives of this training course
Who is this training course for?
The methodology of the training course is based on non-formal experiential learning. Participants will share their experience and practices, there will be few presentations by experts and most of the sessions will be interactive and participatory. The Democracy Reloading Toolkit will be presented in more detail and we will explore ways of integrating and using the Toolkit in the youth policy context of the municipality.
Si vous voulez que les jeunes de votre municipalité s'engagent activement, vous devez les faire participer aux prises de décisions et à l'élaboration des politiques de jeunesse. Les municipalités et les autorités publiques régionales doivent donc s'engager à :
Grâce à cet engagement, vous développerez la qualité de votre démocratie locale. Nous sommes convaincus que lorsque les jeunes sont informés, formés, responsabilisés et qu’ils se sentent soutenus, ils sont de meilleurs acteurs du changement et promoteurs de la démocratie.
À propos de Democracy Reloading
Le partenariat Democracy Reloading est un projet de coopération à long terme de 20 agences nationales Erasmus+ Jeunesse qui a débuté en 2015, dans le but de contribuer au développement de la participation des jeunes aux prises de décisions démocratiques au niveau local et régional à travers l'Europe. Sur la base des enseignements tirés de ces cinq premières années et d'une recherche, un kit en ligne a été conçu en 2020 pour aider les responsables municipaux en charge de la politique jeunesse à concevoir, mettre en œuvre, améliorer et évaluer la participation des jeunes au niveau municipal. Le partenariat s'étend jusqu'en 2027 et comprend l'amélioration continue de la boîte à outils, l'organisation de formations, de webinaires et de conférences. La boîte à outils est disponible ici :
Objectifs de cette formation
A qui s'adresse cette formation ?
La méthodologie de la formation est basée sur les principes de l’Education Non Formelle. Les participants partageront leur expérience et leurs pratiques, il y aura peu de présentations d'experts et la plupart des sessions seront interactives et participatives. La boîte à outils Democracy Reloading sera présentée en détail et nous explorerons les moyens de l'intégrer et de l'utiliser dans le contexte de la politique de la jeunesse municipale.
Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.
This activity has already happened!
This Training Course is
for 25 participants
from Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
and recommended for
Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth policy makers, Staff of local municipal authorities
Working language(s):
English / French
Bureau International Jeunesse (National Agency)
Contact for questions:
Laszlo Foldi
Phone: +3222105233
If you are selected for this course, all costs (accommodation in SINGLE rooms, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the National Agencies involved in this project - except a PARTICIPATION FEE which varies from country to country.
Please contact your Erasmus + National Agency to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.
Bureau International Jeunesse (BIJ) will organise the accommodation and cover the costs for accommodation (in SINGLE rooms) for four nights and food for the duration of the training programme from Monday dinner to Friday lunch.
When you are selected, please contact your Erasmus + National Agency to learn more about the financial regulations, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.