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Multiplayer Event "Holistic Trainer"


23-25 September 2024 | Online, Germany

Join us at the online "Holistic Trainer Multiplayer Event” 23 and 25 September 2024 (choose the date most suitable for you!) 17.00 to 18.30 CET Calling all trainers who are passionate about well-being and professional development in their trainer life!

Join us at the online "Holistic Trainer Multiplayer Event”

23 September and 25 September 2024 (choose the date most suitable for you!)

17.00 to 18.30 on both days

Links for registration:
23 September: link 

25th September: link 

The International Youth Work Trainers Guild and partners are holding a Multiplier Event for trainers and stakeholders from the youth sector. The Event is part of a long-term strategic project about being a youth sector trainer, and is dedicated to the personal and professional well-being, motivation, job satisfaction, and professional development of trainers. The online Event will explore the developed outputs and results of this Erasmus+ Youth long term project. This includes the trainer hacks, the trainers survival guide, the trainers support system, the Holistic Trainer MOOC, and the Holistic Trainer Webinar series. 

As a trainer, if you have an interest in your own holistic wellbeing and that of your colleagues, we invite you to register. This is an opportunity to learn about yourself, network with peers, learn about the Guild of Trainers, and be a part of the future of European trainers development as a profession.


The long-term strategic partnership project “Trainer life and how to hack it (Holistic Trainer)” aims to increase the quality and impact of youth work training. It has done this by exploring the life of the European level trainer in a holistic way in order to support trainers in their well-being, motivation, job satisfaction, and professional development. 

The European Training Strategy (ETS) has provided much support to trainers in the last years; the ETS Competence Model for Trainers, Training of Trainers, Bridges for Trainers, the COMETS training courses, etc. All of these focus on the development of the sector and the development of individual trainers competences - which is very necessary and important.

This project however focused in a holistic way on the practical, the personal, and the intellectual aspects of a trainers development and trainer life. Specifically, this is viewed in 5 areas:

  • Mental and emotional well-being
  • Physical well-being
  • Life on the road
  • Legal matters
  • Self-management

To give some concrete examples, these areas include among others, issues about continuous travel, lack of control over own diet, large amounts of time in hotels, hostels and conference centres, understanding contracts, intellectual property rights and ownership of materials produced, the physical impact on the body, long periods of standing or sitting, the daily mental and emotional impact, and being more ecologically sustainable in the work.

The project explored and researched each of these topic areas, using further research, peer knowledge, exchange of practices and expert input. The project has produced a large number of materials that are designed as a support for trainers on each of the five areas. All the materials produced (in many formats), are freely available to the youth work trainer (and wider) community. 

Aims of the Event:

  • Promotion of the results of the holistic trainer to trainers working on international, national and local levels in the field of youth and main stakeholders
  • Provide visibility to the project
  • Involve more colleague trainers from all over Europe and beyond. 
  • Promote how the material can be used in professional and personal life 
  • Show the importance of these aspects of trainers life and their influence to the quality of youth work trainings and as a result to youth work in general.

The Event will provide space for a full exploration of the resources for the well-being, motivation, job satisfaction, and professional development of a trainer. 

  • Audio teasers
  • Videos
  • Games
  • Survival guide
  • MOOC
  • Infographics
  • Illustrations
  • Webinars

So what can you expect during the Event?

  • Exploration of resources for the well-being, motivation, job satisfaction, and professional development as trainer.
  • Support and inspiration from peers.
  • Exploration and idea sharing on how to use and disseminate the resources.
  • How can the trainer community be self-supporting? 
  • How can the trainer community sustain this idea of trainer health and wellbeing, what can the community do to keep it alive?
  • What more does the trainer community need from outside?

Target group:

We invite all youth work trainers, with a European / international dimension in their work: 

Funding: The Event is part of the project “Trainer life and how to hack it” with the support of the European Union, under the Erasmus+ Youth programme. Neither the European Commission nor the EU are responsible for the content. For any copyrights, please contact International Youth Work Trainers Guild, Germany.

Partners: "Holistic Trainer" has been created and is implemented by an international consortium of four organisations:

  • International Youth Work Trainers Guild, Germany 
  • Coobra - Cooperativa Braccianti, Austria 
  • BalkanIDEA, Serbia
  • Team MAIS, Portugal

Contact: For any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the team at holistic.trainer@iywt.org.

And please disseminate this call to any person or institution who you think might benefit from the offered opportunity, thank you!


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This E-learning is

for 50 participants

from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Other countries in the world , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth policy makers, Youth coaches, Youth researchers

Working language(s):



International Youth Work Trainers Guild (Others)

The long-term strategic partnership project “Trainer life and how to hack it (Holistic Trainer)” aims to increase the quality and impact of youth work training. It has done this by exploring the life of the European level trainer in a holistic way in order to support trainers in their well-being, motivation, job satisfaction, and professional development.

The European Training Strategy (ETS) has provided much support to trainers in the last years; the ETS Competence Model for Trainers, Training of Trainers, Bridges for Trainers, the COMETS training courses, etc. All of these focus on the development of the sector and the development of individual trainers competences - which is very necessary and important.

This project however focused in a holistic way on the practical, the personal, and the intellectual aspects of a trainers development and trainer life. Specifically, this is viewed in 5 areas:
Mental and emotional well-being
Physical well-being
Life on the road
Legal matters


  • Team Mais (Others)
  • Coobra (Others)
  • Balkan Idea (Youth NGO)

Contact for questions:

IYWT Guild


Phone: +49000000000000


Participation fee

No fee

Accommodation and food

No fee

Travel reimbursement

Online event, there is no travel

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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