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  3. MORE THAN CULTURE - The diversity-conscious approach in practise

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MORE THAN CULTURE - The diversity-conscious approach in practise

Training Course

30 October - 3 November 2013 | Alte Feuerwache e.V., Berlin, Germany

The discourse on aims and structures in internationa youth work increasingly includes participants´ diverse backgrounds and possibilities. It takes into consideration the expertise of diversity education, anti-discrimination and social justice practises.
The discourse on aims and structures in international youth work increasingly includes participants´ diverse backgrounds and possibilities. It takes into consideration the expertise of diversity education, anti-discrimination work and social justice practises. Over the past decade, a diversity-conscious approach has been developed within the field of non-formal learning in Germany. This approach stems from a discomfort with generalisations and simplified explications (that you still find in some ´traditional` intercultural learning concepts) and challenges the exclusive focus on cultural differences. The approach explicitly refrains from an understanding of diversity, which is coming from and used mainly in the economic sector. Of course, many concepts of diversity share the perspective on a broader set of differences: Apart from nationality or different cultural backgrounds there are other relevant categories like gender, social background, abilities or concrete contexts like family background or sub-cultural belonging, which has to be included in the work on differences. But the diversity-conscious approach strengthens particularly the perspective on social justice and reflects on power structures and discrimination in society and daily life. As one of the main initiatives of the JiVE project (youth work international experiencing diversity) (www.jive-international.de) diversity-conscious education will be theoretically discussed and implemented in the pedagogical approaches of International youth work. With this training course we would like to make a step forward to shift paradigms in the practise of international youth exchange. It’s not about teaching the ‘right’ way but about critical reflexion, movement and about developing a diversity-conscious attitude. • How can we create a setting in which participants are not reduced to their country of residence or their nationality? • How can we make visible the more than the assumed ‘typical’ or ‘normal’? • How can we learn about diversity without simplifying complexity and losing sight of social valuations and structures? • How can we reflect on discriminatory practises on a personal and social level ? • How can we discover inequality and work in an empowering way? Participant Objectives: • to learn what a diversity-conscious approach is about • to deepen awareness of our own belonging, power positions and experiences with diversity and discrimination in your international co-operation with your partner(s) • to reflect on a diversity-conscious attitude as facilitator • to experience concrete methods for international youth exchange and reflect, discuss and adapt them • to plan concrete steps to implement a diversity-conscious perspective in a specific seminar and in their organisations Teamwork with your international partner: If you are interested in participating ask your international partner to come with you! We invite and prefer teams of two partners who already worked together for an international youth exchange in the last years and who are planning to continue a close partnership. Both partners have to apply! The training will include time slots in which partners have time to plan next projects by adopting the attitude of the diversity-conscious approach.

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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 20 participants

from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Teamwork with your international partner: If you are interested in participating ask your international partner to come with you!

Working language(s):



JUGEND für Europa (National Agency)


  • Mr Ahmet Sinoplu (Youth NGO)
  • Ms Anne Winkelmann (Youth NGO)

Contact for questions:

Christof Kriege


Phone: 0049 228 9506 290

Before applying please contact the NA of your residence country to check if it is involved in this concrete project and committed to cover travel costs. NB! Learn about possible participation fee and other relevant rules.


Costs of attendance and reimbursement of travel expenses: Participants coming from "programme countries" in the sense of YiA Programme: Seminar fees including board and lodging are covered by the German National Agency. Please contact your National Agency to get your travel costs reimbursed. Your National Agency is going to reimburse your travel costs after the training except for a small amount of money which is your contribution to the total seminar costs. Participants coming from "partner countries" in the sense of YiA Programme: Seminar fees including board and lodging are covered by the German National Agency. The travel costs will be reimbursed after the training with the exception of 25.- € which is your contribution to the total seminar costs.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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