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Study Visit
24-27 October 2022 | Barcelona, Spain
SALTO Participation and Information Resource Centre (SALTO PI) in cooperation with the local host Nexes Interculturas SCCL (Barcelona) are organising a Media and Information Literacy (MIL) study visit “May the source be with you”. The event will take place in Barcelona, Spain from 24–27 October 2022.
Apply by 30th of June 2022, the latest! Applications are only taken through the SALTO Training Calendar tool. In case you don't have an My SALTO account to apply, set it up here. It's easy!
In this study visit, you will…
We only have space for about 15 participants and are looking for people actively engaged in running projects in the youth field with a clear interest in initiating MIL projects and international cooperation.
And of course, this event celebrates the European Year of Youth and UNESCO's Global Media and Information Literacy Week.
We will meet organisations and experts who are active and experienced in coordinating activities in the field of MIL.
We do this in a way so that the participants have an opportunity not only to listen and learn, but also to contribute and initiate topics of discussions.
The event is planned to take place in a hybrid way, combining online and offline participation.
The programme includes lunches, dinners, coffee breaks and social programme, and foresees free times for the participants. Scroll down to see the full programme.
The programme also includes two online meetings:
10th of October, MONDAY:
28th of November, MONDAY
What is unique about this study visit?
The MIL topic – there is no youth participation without Media and Information Literacy (MIL)! To participate in and contribute to a democratic and just society, everyone needs to have MIL skills. MIL is an essential component for democracy and human rights development. As the media is all around us, affecting all spheres of our lives, the relevance of MIL is hard to underestimate. Let’s explore it together! Find more information and resources about MIL from the Participation Resource Pool. You can use the filtering tool to search and find tools and content you’re most interested in.
The group of participants – we are expecting to have motivated and experienced participants willing to share and explore the deep ocean of MIL practices. We will dedicate time in the programme not only to learn from the experiences in Spain, but to share your own MIL practices with others. What is also important - we hope these new friendships will turn into international cooperation for years to come.
The local MIL projects and visits – we are doing our best to select a variety of local MIL practices to inspire, inform and encourage participants to try it out on your local level or internationally! From board games to radio stations - we will do our best!
The hybrid media event – with a professional video team we will create a set of videos and content about the MIL practices in Spain. Parts of the events will be live-streamed. As a result, a mini documentary will be created with interviews, case studies, etc. As a hybrid event, it brings together online and offline communities, giving more people the chance to learn and exchange.
MIL analysis – we are aiming to map most interesting activities and most relevant needs in the European youth field (project examples, tools, missing elements). In this analysis, we will be exploring activities that tackle media and communication and youth participation to see what the youth field could do in order to encourage more quality MIL projects and cooperation. And guess what - during the meeting you will have a chance to get to know the results!
About the organisers:
SALTO Participation and Information Resource Centre (SALTO PI) – SALTO PI is one of the resource centres, established in 2018 and hosted by the Estonian National Agency of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps. Being part of the SALTO-Youth network, it is focussing on promoting youth participation across Europe, and especially the EU youth programmes. SALTO PI works with four key topics: youth participation, media and information literacy, digital transformation and capacity building in strategic communication. SALTO PI organises training events, develops tools and strategies and promotes best practices in the field of its work. If you want to learn more about the work of SALTO PI, check out the Participation Resource Pool.
Nexes is a non-profit organisation born in 1999 and based in Barcelona. The team of Nexes consits of the youth workers, trainers and practitioners in non formal education and European programs, who joined together for their common ideals and interest in dialogue between cultures, the mobility of young people as a learning tool and active participation in the society. The main objective of our organisation is to promote intercultural learning and transnational cooperation, fight against social exclusion and boost active citizen participation, especially of young people. Nexes is also actively working to promote better MIL skills.
This study event is co-funded and organised in cooperation with the National Agencies from Estonia, Spain, Belgium (Flanders), Netherlands, Austria, Iceland, Portugal and SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus Resource Centre. The event is organised with the co-funding of Erasmus+ of the European Union.
Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.
This activity has already happened!
This Study Visit is
for 15 participants
from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth coaches, Youth researchers, MIL experts, NGOs and individuals actively coordinating MIL initiatives
SALTO Participation and Information Resource Centre (SALTO Resource Centre)
Contact for questions:
Meelika Hirmo
Phone: +3726979232
This project is financed by the participating National Agencies (NAs) of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme and SALTO Participation and Information Resource Centre. There is no participation fee.
SALTO Participation and Information Resource Centre will organise the accommodation and covers the costs for accommodation and food of the selected participants.
The travel will be reimbursed to the selected participants. In case you are applying from Estonia, Iceland, Netherlands, Belgium (Flanders), Austria, Spain, Portugal or from any of the Eastern Europe & Caucasus region countries, then the participants from thse countries will be selected by the National Agencies/SALTO in their country. The travel costs will be covered by that specific National Agency / SALTO Eastern Europe & Caucasus RC (SALTO EECA) as well. Participants from other countries will be reimbursed their travel costs by SALTO Participation and Information Resource Centre. The terms and conditions may vary from country to country. Please contact your National Agency or SALTO EECA in order to know these conditions.
Don't know what is a National Agency and how to contact one? Find the National Agency in your country here!
NB! We emphasise the need for making a travel insurance as with the COVID-19 virus still active. We will not be able to reimburse your travel costs in case you have made the costs but can't come. The insurance has to be covered by the participants themselevs.