Living together in Diversity, resolving conflicts, building an inclusive Europe.
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Living together in Diversity, resolving conflicts, building an inclusive Europe.
Training Course
13-22 October 2017 | GSI Bad Bevensen, Germany
This training seminar focuses on the connection of intercultural and international (youth-) work and the promotion of Active European Citizenship.
This training seminar is for multipliers from 8 European countries but the Romanian partner organisation has already nominated the participants from Romania.
This training seminar addresses itself to youth leaders and other multipliers, who already have had experience in youth exchanges or are likely to gain such experience in the future.
It focuses on the connection of intercultural and international (youth-) work and the promotion of Active European Citizenship.
By the cooperation of various partners from 7 different European countries and the involvement of minority-self-organisations and organisations working with migrants as target groups new network-structures will be created. Those structures will help effectively to facilitate young people of minority- or migration-background to participate more in international exchange and European youth politics. Between those diverse organisations the intercultural dialog is to be promoted, as well as between organisations of the “old” and “new” EU-members.
First steps to the realization of common youth-exchange-projects, which focus on citizenship competencies and active participation in a lively democracy on European level should be made.
Theories of intercultural learning and practical methodology for international youth work will be discussed.
The training qualifies the participants to conduct complex intercultural processes and increase their intercultural competencies. Participants should develop sensitivity for the specifics of intercul-tural processes, for the role they play within this and for the challenges this kind of work demands of them personally.
Different games and exercises to understand the own and foreign cultural styles of perception and communication will be carried out and evaluated. Their suitability for Intercultural learning will be discussed. This way the participants fill up their personal box of methods. Participants will learn to choose methods, which fit their own idea of intercultural learning and perception in order to create a self-confident personal pedagogical style.
At the same time the multilateral composition of the group will offer participants the opportunity to meet potential partners, so that concrete projects can be planned. Time will be allocated for this. Practical know-how, for example on the rules and regulations surrounding E.U. project finance, will be made available.
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Training overview
This activityhas already happened!
This Training Course is
for 35 participants
from Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders
Working language(s):
English (& German)
Gustav Stresemann Institute Bad Bevensen (Youth NGO)
Gustav Stresemann Institute, Bad Bevensen is an independent center for democracy and tolerance education. Dialogue and diversity are major tasks of its training programs. Located in Northern Germany – Berlin and Hamburg within reach – GSI cooperates with local, national and international networks.
CONFERENCE-FEE covers the whole program costs such as meals & accommodation ( in double rooms; single room extra 15 €/night):
- 180,- € for participants from France, Germany and Italy
- 100,- € for participants from Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary and Poland
- Reduction: 144,- € for students and unemployed persons
Refund of travel costs
- Up to 275,- € for participants from Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Hungary, Italy and Poland
- Up to 180,- € for participants from Germany
Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass: