European Training Calendar
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Training Course
25-30 January 2019 | Thessaloniki, Greece
The training course
Youth work can greatly contribute to young people's personal and social development and as a result the society also grows when young people are well equipped with competences that can have a positive impact in their lives and their communities at large. There is a strong motivation for further improvement within the sector and there are a lot of significant efforts being done throughout Europe, on national, regional and local level, to enhance the quality and recognition of youth work.
We believe that youth work can be better recognised by measuring its real impact and effects on young people's lives. Often, youth organisations focus on the quantitative and not on the qualitative outputs. In order though to ensure the credibility and the real value of youth work, the opportunities and challenges in youth work shall be identified and analysed and quality tools shall be developed.
For this reason, the training course LevelUp! aims to gather youth workers, youth NGO practitioners, youth educators and volunteers with the aim of sharing best practices, experiences and expertise on measuring and assuring quality in youth work and on identifying and validating youth workers’ competences.
Youth workers & youth educators, NGO practitioners as well as volunteers involved in youth projects, from Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom are invited to participate in the second activity of the "LevelUp!" training course in Thessaloniki, Greece from 25 to 30 January 2019.
The 2nd activity of the "LevelUp!" training course includes interactive workshops, team-building activities, case-studies, study-visits to youth centres, role-playing games, storytelling and theatre methods, sharing good practices tools and methods about qualitative youth work through team/group/pair work and round-table discussions.
The main topics that are going to be covered in the second activity are the following:
• Discussing the effectiveness of “Open Badges” as a tool for the validation of youth workers’ competences and how the youth workers that participated in the first activity of the training course used this tool further after the implementation of the first activity in Dresden.
• Quality development in practice – case studies about the intercultural opening of organisations
• Quality and professionalization of European youth work
• Exploring local youth work in Thessaloniki through study-visits
• Story-telling methods to involve and engage young people through artistic approaches
• Conflict management in the field of youth work based on role-playing and theatre methods
• Good practices in quality volunteer management
• Networking and follow-up of the training course
The participants are expected to contribute to the course putting as a main priority sharing their knowledge, best practices and experiences regarding the mentioned topics. The participants will be invited to reflect on their day to day work realities, as well as on the learning process during this course.
The training course will be based on peer-learning, interactive presentations and workshops. All activities will be based on team-work. Theoretical sessions will be also integrated but performed in an interactive way.
Learning Methods and Formats:
• Ice-Breakers
• Team-building Activities and Energizers
• Peer-learning
• Gamification
• Study-visits to youth centres and centres for young refugees
• Round-table discussions
• Presentations
• Workshops
• Evaluation meetings
• Intercultural evenings
Participants’ Profile
This training course is aimed at youth workers, trainers, youth facilitators, youth project managers and volunteers actively involved in youth projects and youth organisations, who:
• have some experience in implementing and/or coordinating Erasmus+ projects and running youth and community projects;
• are actively involved in the development of quality youth projects that address the needs of their local communities;
• are willing to learn new methods and use digital tools of validating their competences.
Participants should be:
• Youth workers, youth educators, trainers, mentors, youth leaders or volunteers actively involved in youth NGOs and youth projects preferably over 22 years old
• Able to communicate at proficient level in English
• Willing to co-operate, share experiences, best practices and knowledge and work in teams/groups/pairs
• Open to new knowledge, experiences and ideas
• Motivated to take part in this training course, be personally interested in its main subject and activities
• Prepared and well informed about the topics which are going to be discussed
• Able to participate from 25 to 30 January 2019 in Thessaloniki
More information about this activity you can find enclosed in the info pack. A registration form is also attached which should be filled out and sent to by all applicants.
Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.
This activity has already happened!
This Training Course is
for 32 participants
from Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Croatia, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches
Working language(s):
Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (Youth NGO)
Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (JKPeV) was founded in 2004 with the aim of providing opportunities for young people and adults to develop and use their soft and professional skills and stimulate their creativity and entrepreneurial skills through non-formal learning methods. Located in Dresden, Germany, JKPeV is dedicated to promoting the EU citizenship and active participation of its citizens. We organise international Projects, Events and Trainings for young people and adults on site and abroad with a focus on assisting the cultural enrichment of the city of Dresden and the Free State of Saxony while also promoting the cultural diversity of the European Union. Inviting foreign educators and including foreign participants to our on-site projects kindles an intercultural dialogue in the heart of an already highly acclaimed artistic hub -Dresden- while on the other hand, including local citizens in our abroad events brings back to the city a fresh outlook to familiar problems and a sense of belonging to a greater group –the European. Addressing our aim, we focus on breeding international, cross-sectoral and cross-disciplinary cooperation in Dresden and the EU by offering a number of Training sessions and Seminars on different topics annually with international participants and educators. Our Public Events offer the possibility for all citizens of the city wherein they take place to experience first-hand the intellectual and artistic approaches of individuals from other countries, facilitating thus the international dialogue on common issues. Aside from Training sessions and Seminars, JKPeV also runs long-term projects through which tangible products are delivered which have an impact on the local community of Dresden but also on national and European level. In addition, JKPeV offers the opportunity to young adults to immerse themselves in this cultural and educational dialogue further by offering Internship and Volunteering possibilities in our organisation. Working at the hub of such cultural activity allows participants –be they local or foreign- to better understand the possibilities, opportunities and cultural diversity present within the European Union.
Contact for questions:
There is no participation fee.
Accommodation and all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are provided by Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. The participants are going to stay in the Stay Hybrid Hostel in the city centre of Thessaloniki. Breakfast will be served at the hostel and lunch and dinner will be served in different restaurants. No organisation or other costs are charged.
According to the distance band calculator of the Erasmus+ programme, the participants will be fully reimbursed the travel expenses after submitting to JKPeV all their travel documents (all original boarding passes and tickets, invoices/receipts, travel reimbursement form). See the attached info pack for more information.
Countries and travel expenses (max. budget that can be reimbursed)
Belgium: up to 275 €/participant
Cyprus: up to 275 €/participant
Croatia: up to 275 €/participant
Germany: up to 275 €/participant
Greece: up to 180 €/participant
Poland: up to 275 €/participant
Portugal: up to 360 €/participant
Spain: up to 360 €/participant
United Kingdom: up to 275 €/participant