International Young Forum about "Peace Building, Tolerance and Integration"
Forum for Progressive Initiative is organizing a TC as International Young Forum about conflict resolution to explore / share common values for Peace building and inter-ethnic reconciliation & Integration, towards a mutual peaceful, democratic society.
This training course wants to face different participants from different countries to treat some key features of democracy see and advance their opinions and attitudes in rapport of dealing with different ethnicities and working together with one another for a common bright and perspective future despite of a bitter past.
This way, we would share and promote a platform with modern and significant values and approaches which might be a model for conflict resolution especially by NGO-s which might have very important role in policy making and active citizenship.
It's very interesting the participation from some post conflict countris to exchange their practices and also we would get a direct reflection from minorities of different societies which is very relevant for a broad sense of current political and social developments.
AIMS and objectives
- To share different historic experiences among different countries how did they overcome their ethnic conflict and how did they (and how to) develop sustainable peace.
- To promote democratic, modern cultural and social values among participating countries.
- To exchange culture, idea, thoughts and experiences between various countries.
- To increase the spirit for commitment and engagement in working in these topics, relevant to the global community.
- To socialize participating students and to create collaborative bridges on the future.
During the project, we’ll develop:
- A brief introductive presentation of participants and their own countries in terms, political, historical, economical trends, achievements and so on.
- Role Modeling about "Peace Building and interethnic coexistence", Working groups in theme of "Conflict Genesis & Solutions".
- Case study “Human rights” and their implementation (elementary rights, minorities rights, gender equality and free sexual orientation).
- debate and workshops for “Inter – religious tolerance” Religious Radicalism and Holly Wars,
- conclusive symposium, related “Globalization and (European) Integration”,
- a couple of relevant film documentaries.
- an excursion throughout Kosovo – in order to promote our tourist potential and visit some interesting historic, cultural and tourist
venues in Kosovo.
Finally, Interklut gives you an exciting opportunity to handle properly some common historic and pragmatic challenges committed to development and promotion of international interests with significant social, cultural and democratic values.
Training overview
This activity has already happened!
This Training Course is
for 26-30 participants
from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries
, Western Balkan countries 
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Volunteering mentors, Students
Working language(s):
Forum for Progressive Initiatives (Youth NGO)
Forum for Progressive Initiatives it's a Non Profit Organization, which it's committed to several important projects to the community, aiming at advancing social development in terms of education, cultural exchanges, inter-ethnic/inter-religious tolerance and similar programs for a brighter future.
Principally, we deal with non-formal education, and cultural - entertaining activities with youth and students.
Hereby we develop great leaderships and organizational skills for students, apart their education in similar fields, in order to make them have bigger opportunities regardless of their ethnic background.
We do various forums, mostly, about youth situation here, proper education, youth participation in decision-making process, Tolerance and youth inter – ethnic coexistence, Youth community development, International cultural exchange and similar, to make youngsters carrier of positive changes in their community.
To attent this program, selected participants are requested to pay a participation fee up to 185€,
This fee it’s all inclusive, covering the accommodation, food & refreshment, seminars and workshops, necessary material, trips around the country and some entertaining activities.
As for the travel cost, we can not afford to reimburse it, so, each attendant is in charge of his/her own travel expenses form/to Kosovo.