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“GBV Prevention 101: First steps in implementing local workshops and activities for prevention of gender-based violence”

Training Course

5-11 September 2024 | Zadar, Croatia

This TC is intended for youth workers and other professionals who are new to the field and want to gain knowledge and basic skills for developing and running educational activities for GBV prevention.

Gender-based violence is violence directed against a person because of that person's gender or violence that affects persons of a particular gender disproportionately, as defined by the European Commission. Based on the recognised needs, and supported by staff members with extensive experience in the field, we have developed this training course for youth workers doing their first steps in developing educational activities for prevention of gender-based violence.

This TC is intended for youth workers and other professionals who are new to the field and want to gain knowledge and basic skills for developing and running educational activities for prevention of gender-based violence. We are expecting the group of participants who have background in youth work, are new to the topic of gender-based violence prevention, and are part of the local organisations planning to establish activities and educational workshops on the topic of GBV prevention.

Participants are expected to gain: understanding and basic skills of non-formal educational methods for work on the topic, understanding the topics of gender, gender equality, violence, violence prevention. By the end of the event participants are expected to develop local level activities plans dedicated to prevention of gender-based violence, to be implemented as part of the work they do in the organisations they are active in.

The training course is developed in line with the Youth Goal 2: Equality of All Genders, and contributes to the following objectives of the goal:

End gender-based violence by addressing and tackling it effectively in all its forms.

Eliminate stereotypical gender roles and embrace diverse gender identities in education systems, family life, the workplace, and other areas of life.

Ensure equal access to formal and non-formal education, and that the design of education systems follows gender-sensitive approaches.

The training course will be based on non-formal education and learning-by-doing methods. The first days of the training will provide space for getting to know participants and team building, learning about the Erasmus+ program and Youthpass, non-formal education in youth work, and understanding the realities of participating countries on existing programs for prevention of gender-based violence. Days 4-6 of the educational program are dedicated to understanding the concept of gender and acting according to different sex and gender, understanding violence and gender-based violence, different positions in violence, and reacting to acts of violence from the bystander position. Last 2 days of the training course are dedicated to providing space for participants to develop plans of actions/activities they will take/organise in their local communities after the event, evaluation of the event, and the Youthpass ceremony. 

*Participants are expected to, in preparation for the event, finalise the preparatory online learning course. Preparatory online course will be accessible prior to the start of the event.



To improve the understanding and knowledge of participants about non-formal education and NFE educational approach, methodology, and methods, with focus on NFE based approach for tackling gender-based violence prevention

To develop knowledge of participants about gender, gender-based violence, and youth work activities for prevention of GBV

To develop skills of participants for creating educational activities directed at raising awareness and prevention of GBV

To develop and further improve the knowledge of participants about the Erasmus+ program, Youthpass, and recognition of learning through model of key competences. 

To empower youth organisations and their youth workers to develop, implement and evaluate local level educational activities focusing on prevention of gender-based violence

Available downloads:


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 35 participants

from Austria, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth policy makers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches

Working language(s):



Youth Power Germany e.V (Youth NGO)

A society with positive social values, healthy lifestyles, gender equality and zero discrimination is our main goal. In order to achieve that goal, we are continuously working with young people from all around Europe. Programs currently implemented by the organisation are directed towards non-formal education of young people on topics of entrepreneurship, cultural diversity, volunteerism, mental health, the inclusion of refugees and migrants, healthy lifestyles and violence prevention.

Contact for questions:



Phone: +49 174 60 34 226


Participation fee


Accommodation and food

All costs are covered by organizers and funded within the Erasmus+ program.

Travel reimbursement

Travel costs will be reimbursed in line with the distance calculator. More info on the reimbursement rules (i.e. taking into consideration eco-friendly types of transportation*) can be checked in the infosheet - which can be downloaded.

*Sustainable means of transport (green travel) is defined as the travel that uses low-emissions means of transport for the main part of the travel, such as bus, train or car-pooling.


Travel budget calculation is based on  the distance between your starting point and the venue of the Program. 

KM                                      €   / green travel

Croatia                          up to  180€

Italy                              180€  /   210€

Austria                         275€  /   320€

Serbia                          180€  /   210€

Germany                     275€  /   320€

Slovenia                       180€  /   210

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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