European Training Calendar
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14 July - 6 August 2021 | online e-learning, Germany
Are you…
… interested in the topics of social inclusion and cultural entrepreneurship?
…able to follow an online self-directed and self-paced training on the topic of cultural entrepreneurship in English?
Do you…
… want to empower women originating from migrant communities and support them in their successful integration?
… wish to encourage them by developing their skills in the field of cultural and arts entrepreneurship?
… want to learn how to apply innovative, community-based and non-formal learning methods to train migrants in the field of cultural entrepreneurship?
Then, Jugend- and Kulturprojekte e.V. invites you to apply for the online CREATION self-directed training programme within the framework of ERASMUS+. The course is designed as a 60-hour online in-service training programme which is in English. It uses innovative and self-directed training resources that support you in strengthening entrepreneurial skills by using non-traditional, community-based learning resources.
The online self-directed training programme is divided into 3 modules that include the following aspects:
Module 1
key aspects of cultural and creative industries
creative thinking, communication, problem solving, networking
analysis of organizational and planning skills
key steps of the visualization of an entrepreneurial project idea
Module 2
development of facilitation skills and participatory teaching approaches
application of practical activities such as storytelling, role-play and debating
structuring lesson plans and carrying out inclusive education activities
Module 3
reflection on the changing role of adult educators and migrant workers within diverse communities
identification and application of useful practices for online teaching
application of inclusive assessment practices
Upon completion of each module, learners receive a dedicated digital badge, as an accreditation for their work.
Anyone who is interested in the main subject and objectives of this online self-directed training programme, has the unique opportunity to apply and join this online self-directed training which is free of charge.
Time and dates of training:
The online self-directed training programme is expected to start in July 2021.
This online self-directed training is free of charge as it is part of the Erasmus+ strategic partnership project CREATION funded by the European Commission.
This online training is self-directed and self-paced and is in English.
For further information about the training, please contact Stefan Kiehne: or Myrto-Helena Pertsinidi:
For further information about the CREATION project, you can visit the project’s website
To apply for this training, please fill out the online Expression of interest form here
Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.
This activity has already happened!
This E-learning is
for 100 participants
from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Other countries in the world , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU
and recommended for
Youth workers, Youth leaders, Volunteering mentors, community supporters
Accessibility info:
This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.
Working language(s):
Jugend & Kulturprojekt e.V. (Youth NGO)
Der Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. wurde 2004 in Dresden gegründet und engagiert sich im Kunst-, Kultur und Bildungsbereich. Wir sind ein Team von Projekt-/Event- und KulturmanagerInnen, WissenschaftlerInnen, KünstlerInnen, DesignerInnen und Filmschaffenden, die Dresden und andere Städte in Europa zu besseren Orten machen wollen, in denen ein friedliches Miteinander, Leben, Wachsen und Gestalten möglich ist.
Unser Hauptziel ist, Projekte zu entwerfen und durchzuführen, die soziale Auswirkungen haben, Vielfalt und Inklusion ermöglichen sowie aktive Partizipation und bürgerschaftliches Engagement fördern. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, führen wir Bildungs-, Kunst- und Kulturprojekte vor Ort und im Ausland durch und fördern dabei sektorübergreifende und interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit. Durch Bildungsaktivitäten und Trainings zielen wir darauf ab, mit Hilfe non-formaler Lernmethoden die soft skills und beruflichen Fähigkeiten von jungen Erwachsenen weiterzuentwickeln, ihren Unternehmergeist anzuregen und ihre Kreativität zu fördern.
Unsere Bildungsbereiche sind: Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Unternehmergeist und soziale Innovation, Projektmanagement, Kommunikation und Kreativität, Stadtentwicklung und Jugendarbeit. In den meisten von uns realisierten Bildungsaktivitäten und Projekten nutzen wir Kunst als Instrument für aktive Beteiligung und kulturellen Austausch.
Contact for questions:
There is no participation fee for this training
The entire course is online (e-learning)