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FLOW with your Elements

Training Course

29 September - 8 October 2023 | Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel, Portugal

The Five Elements System is based on the taoist concept of being in harmony. It offers useful tools - of mindfulness and basic psychoeducation - for youth workers to maintain their own well being and of their target groups.

Aim of the project:

Flow with your Elements aims to address youth workers with risk of burnout and develop their ETS and digital competencies through the two times 10 days residential learning activities - FLOW is the second training course of the project -  & through the SALTO HOP online resilience course participation & extended mentoring during the 12 month collaboration. Competence development ensured in many ways - 2 residential courses based on the Five Elements methodological tools & the online resilience learning course are meant to serve & develop social- cognitive (ETS) & digital competencies & beyond that, a set of well being-skills essential to tackle burn out. By which our target groups are addressed due to their high stress youth and social work or due to the current global crisis trends and previous pandemic. Aims are to support a) recognition of wellbeing development reached at an individual and professional level thus building a positive self-confidence of youth workers and their young target groups; and b) recognition and visibility of positive influences of resilience within non-formal learning and youth work context in general.

The course is for - youth workers, social workers, psychologists, group leaders, teachers, volunteers working with groups aged 20+ - who would like to develop their skills and competences on well being and mental health.. The course is targeted for youth workers, trainers and facilitators (or any helping professionals) who want to develop their competences in the field of mental health and well being through oriental methods - like chikung and the wisdom of the 5 elements principles. As a result you will gain concrete tools: physical activities based on mindfulness and chikung; basic psychoeducational tools for emotional regulation; better understanding of ETS competences as youth workers/trainers working with groups and a plan to extend the longevity of your youth work.

About the method:

Flow with your ELEMENTS project aims to work with the Five Elements system and to bring its tools into your everyday life. It focuses on the maintenance and enhancement of your wellbeing and resilience along with the increased awareness of your best potentials. The understanding and application of the Five Elements supports your fulfillment with your youth groups by helping to discover their talents as well. This all happens through understanding the different qualities of the Five Elements represented in every area of life. The traditional Five Elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water, which will be experienced through  practice of Chi Kung - often used as a basis in martial arts - and practical coaching techniques to apply it in your youth work.

Five Elements can offer you benefits in several levels, and depending on your personal goals, you can choose either or all of them to your advantage. These can be categorized into 2 main areas: individual and interpersonal level.

First there is an individual level, where you can explore your particular perspective, understand how you work, what are your basic motivators and greatest inspirations, moreover where are your shortcomings and what are the skills and talents you can capitalize on. This can also be understood as establishing harmony with yourself.

The second step is - on one hand - how you apply everything you’ve learned and realized to the world by investigating your connection to the world, especially your relationships. On the other hand this level is also about how you manage your everyday life given the external circumstances you cannot control.

The effectiveness of the system primarily builds on the cyclical nature of things and in this case Elements, considering the understanding of the characteristics of each Element (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water) and how they interact with each other. By using and applying the cycles to your daily life you can learn how to nurture and support or how to regulate a situation, a person or a communication, or how you can command them by guiding the conflict or process to the right direction.

For achieving harmony on a personal level movement and Qi Gong is an essential support, helping you embody and connect the Elements (which also you are made of) and adapting your physical body and emotions through simple motions, easy to learn breathing techniques and  uncomplicated visualizations.

Awareness and proper management of all emotions including the negative ones is another crucial part of harmony and integrity of both individual and interpersonal level. 

The team composition:

Qi Gong, martial art teacher and Five Elements Coach: Etelka Szeghalmi - https://szeghalmietelka.com/en/homepage_eng/

Five Elements Coach and business consultant: Nóra Varga - https://hu.linkedin.com/in/n%C3%B3ra-varga-77761ab3

Qi Gong,Tai Chi martial art teacher and Five Elements Coach -András Havasi

Host - well being and resilience: Zsuzska Juhász, https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/toy/juhsz-zsuzsanna.3533/

Venue: Hungary - The Three Treasures Valley https://haromkincsvolgye.hu/en/homepage_eng_v02/

Target group of participants: youth workers, trainers, psychologists, social workers - openness to use unique oriental techniques in their youth work.

For more inspirtion please see the previous part of the project:



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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 25 participants

from Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain, Türkiye

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Volunteering mentors

Working language(s):



Origó Műhely Nonprofit Kft. (Others)

The Origó Műhely/Origo Workshop was founded in 2021 summer as a registered Nonprofit LTD. organization, however many of its original members had already been developing and testing mental health and related non-formal (online and offline) methods for more than 10-15 years.The aim of the workshop/organization is to create space and time for well-being, recreation and resilience building for young people and for their youth workers, psychologists, social workers, teachers, youth leaders. Its ars poetica is to find inner balance, healthy relationships in life and in purpose (work), run sustainable life, and the ability to resource oneself and others.
Website: www.theorigoworkshop.com

Contact for questions:

Juhász Zsuzska


Phone: +36302536919


Participation fee


Accommodation and food

all costs related to food and accomodation is covered for the 10 days

Travel reimbursement

Hungary (4 pax) 275 EUR

Latvia (2 pax)  275 EUR

Portugal (2 pax) 180 EUR

Slovakia (2 pax) 275 EUR 

Italy (2 pax) 275 EUR

Turkey (2 pax) 360 EUR

Georgia (2 pax) 360 EUR

Lithuania (2 pax) 275 EUR

Spain (2 pax) 275 EUR

Poland (2 pax) 275 EUR


Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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