European Training Calendar
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11 May 2021 | Hungary
Inspired by the Creativity and Innovation in E+ training and drawing on our experiences online over the last months, we have devised a further concept we call Flash sE+ssions in which we combine different elements to deliver short, sharp training boosters.
Online one-day sessions can be more flexible and easier to follow by professionals with busy schedules. The Flash sE+ssions look like this: a half-day intensive input on a specific topic followed by a half-day of offline tasks and optional mentoring from the trainers to allow participants to digest and directly apply the knowledge gained into their daily work. At the end of the afternoon the day closes with a debriefing session where participants can share their practical results and deepen the morning input.
Like shots of inspiration, Flash sE+ssions are a flexible way of training online that can be adapted to many different topics.
Mental and Emotional Health of Young People and Youth Workers
In this Flash sE+ssion we will look at the effects of stress and life's difficulties, especially with the current pandemic. We will explore techniques for emotional and mental management, both for youth workers and for young people. Firstly we will look at the mental and emotional consequences of the pandemic on young people and on youth workers. We will then look at methods to help build connections, express emotions and strategies to cope with anxiety, fear and loneliness. Some of these methods will be experienced during the session itself.
Target group
This Flash sE+ssion is for all those looking for inspiration to approach youth work in a more creative and innovative way. We’re talking youth workers and youth leaders, professionals and volunteers, who really want to grow and explore new ways to work with their young people namely around the topics of Mental and Emotional Health.
Each Flash sE+ssion consists of four moments:
Participants are introduced to the theme in an interactive 3-hour session online (with break) in the morning.
At the end of the morning, participants receive a task to complete off-line.
Trainers are available for consultations/mentoring in the afternoon, regarding the theme and the task given. Consultations happen in small groups or individually, according to need.
A 1h30min debriefing session takes place at the end of the afternoon, to share practical results from the task, deepen the morning input and close the learning process.
One Flash sE+ssion includes:
1st Input: from 10h00-13h00 CET (Brussels Time)
Individual and/or mentoring time: 14h30-16h00 CET (Brussels Time)
2nd Input: 16h30-18h00 CET (Brussels Time)
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This activity has already happened!
This E-learning is
for up to 40 participants participants
from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU
and recommended for
Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Please see the description
Accessibility info:
This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.
Working language(s):
Tempus Public Foundation - Hungarian National Agency of Erasmus+ YiA and European Solidarity Corps (National Agency)
Contact for questions:
Phone: x
This project is financed by the participating National Agencies (NAs) of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme. The participation fee varies from country to country. Please contact your National Agency or SALTO Resource Centre (SALTO) to learn more about the participation fee for participants from your country.
There is no accomodation and food provided for selected participants.
There are no travel costs to participate in this project.