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Conference – Symposium - Forum
22 January 2021 | Online, Italy
Physical violence, bullying, cyberbullying, gender-based violence, indifference, invisibility, and isolation, all types of violence which touch youth, and with greater force during these hard pandemic times. But what if instead of looking at it from a negative perspective, we get together an intercultural group of young people, their creative minds, art, and a video camera and we approached it from a positive perspective? This is what a group of Italian young people did: contrast violence through experimental video making.
If you are a young person, youth worker and/or work in the field of youth and want to know how to implement this innovative methodology, see their video productions or even share your own video productions against violence with an international audience, join us at the Online Final Exhibition “Experimental Anti-Violence”. People from different nationalities are invited, but please consider the Exhibition will he held in Italian.
*The participant who, at the end of the event, will have shared the most powerful video in terms of awareness-raising, will receive a REC T-shirt (Italian residents only) and have his/her video published on our international project website
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This activity has already happened!
This Conference – Symposium - Forum is
for 50 participants
from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Other countries in the world
, Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth coaches, Youth
Working language(s):
This activity is organized in the framework of the project REC – Reflect Experiment Capture Experimental Filmmaking to Prevent Violence and Empower Disadvantaged Young People, Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in the field of Youth.
Contact for questions:
Cloé Saint-Nom
Phone: +39 0916164224