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28-29 June 2023 | Online I Webinar, Portugal
We are glad to announce the EFFY (Erasmus+ Future Focused Youth – Ukraine) Webinar on the 28th and 29th of June 2023 (9.30h-14hCET).
The event is coordinated by the Portuguese NA for Erasmus + Youth/Sports & ESC and the National Office Erasmus + Ukraine with our esteemed co-organisers: Ministry of Youth and Sport of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Salto-Youth Resource Centers, Information Center Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps – Ukraine, ESN – Ukraine, Young European Ambassadors, Association of Youth Councils of Ukraine.
The primary goal of the EFFY23 is to foster collaboration with the National Erasmus+ Office - Ukraine to empower Ukrainian and European Youth Actors with renovated partnerships towards European cooperation. We seek to empower youth and enhance the cooperation between European partners and Ukrainian youth organizations. Therefore it is of extreme importance that we evoke the cultural heritage of Ukraine, its greatness and uniqueness and celebrate the resilience of its population, specially young people and organizations that continue to thrive and fight for their life and country, despite all challenges and constraints.
The webinar takes action in a TV-studio hosted by a Portuguese national host (Filomena Cautela) and a professional team of producers and editors to make sure of the best quality of streaming and engagement with participants. The very experienced TV host will guide the webinar from the opening ceremony (with the presence in studio from Ministry of Youth and Sports and Ministry of Education and Science from Ukraine, welcomed by the Government of Portugal and the Portuguese National Agency Erasmus + Head Luís Alves), through the different media content prepared exclusively to this webinar (flash interviews with KA1, KA2 and ESC projects in Portugal; live interviews to Ukrainian young people and youth representatives; interviews with ESC volunteers of Ukraine in Portugal; artistic moments produced live; and other surprises).
The Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music will enrich the webinar with a presence of a quartet of musicians with violins and cello coming directly from Kiev to remind us that the music unites us and solidarity needs our undivided attention and that by cooperating through projects like Erasmus +, we are playing an important role for peace and human rights promotion and defense.
An experienced international team of 9 organizers from Portugal, Ukraine and other EU countries and supported by a group of 30 facilitators from 19 different countries in EU and worldwide have designed the program in order to achieve its objectives in with inspiring, inclusive and participatory methods, combining essential content on KA1, KA2 and ESC with practical hands-on resources and tools for empowering participants for action and
contact making in Erasmus + and examples of practices that can support learning and efficiency of the webinar. We aim at exploring the potential match with international partners, specially between Ukraine and EU countries, through the facilitated support to the estimated 900 participants in networking rooms designed with interactive tools, sharing experiences, debates and partner finding for projects in cooperation.
The webinar will provide essential information on KA1, KA2 and ESC with solid international references in the world of Erasmus + with Iryna Novak (InfoCentre Erasmus + Ukraine) as keynote speaker for KA1, Heiki Viisimaa (KA2 officer in NA Estonia) and Laimonas Ragauskas and Nerijus Kriauciunas (Senior Trainers and Project Coordinators of KA2 and Capacity Building) for KA2, and Sara Andrade (Senior trainer for the Portuguese NA pool of trainers) for the European Solidarity Corps program.
A wide set of media content will also be available for participants during and after the webinar through the platform features, as for example the Aha moments! which are 4-minute videos from over 20 trainers and experienced project managers sharing an inspirational tool, concept or idea.
This is a digital/online event targeted to the following audiences:
Organisations and authorities working with young people
Youth Leaders
Youth workers
Municipal youth workers
To register for this enriching event, signpost participants to the registration link: For more information, refer to the SALTO Training Calendar call for participants. Follow event announcements on Facebook here:
Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.
This activity has already happened!
This Seminar is
for 900 participants (maximum) participants
from Ukraine, Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers
Working language(s):
English (translation is not provided).
Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Juventude/ Desporto e Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade (National Agency)
Contact for questions:
Mariana Marques
Phone: +351253144450
Participation is free. Registration is obligatory.
and we will update you once new information have been made available.