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‘Equal life chances for Youth!’
Training Course
2-7 August 2015 | Wexford, Ireland
A Training course for youth organisations/N.G.O.’s that want to understand, build and support activism on issues of economic equality. Looking for participants from Ireland, Italy, Slovenia, The Netherlands & Spain. In Ireland from 2-7th August
Equal Life Chances for Youth is an inititiative of Eolas Soileir. It is to give the opportunity to youth organisations and N.G.O.’s to educate, build and support activism on issues of economic equality. Income equality is a key indicator of a sustainable economy and environment as well as a cohesive society.
It will give the participants a chance:
1. To explore economic equality issues
2. To develop a capacity to engage with these issues
3. To build campaigning work in this field
The objectives:
* To have a deeper understanding of the concepts and the issues around economic equality.
* To share the experience in your own country and community.
* To build participants knowledge about and ability to talk about a wide range of economic equality issues
* For participants to learn, try out new ways of campaigning and work as part of a team in developing and exploring new ideas
* To find international partners & develop international projects
* Learn more about the funding possibilities of the Erasmus+ Programme.
Non-formal interactive methods: group work, discussion, sharing, intercultural activities, workshops, exchange of experience, theory and practice, exploring the local reality, reflection
Profile of organisations:
• Ready to cooperate in an Erasmus+ Project
• Want to learn more about the Erasmus+ programme
• Are willing and able to communicate in English
In total 18 participants - from Ireland, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, The Netherlands & Spain – two participants from each organisation.
We will have a productive and enjoyable week in a dynamic environment.
If you are interested in becoming a participant on this training please complete the application form below asap or before the 22nd May 2015.
The training will take place in Clonmines (Wellington Bridge), Co.Wexford, Ireland, a beautiful rural location situated near the sea.
Only apply if you are excited, interested and willing to work hard at the training. You will be challenged to take risks and go deep into issues.
Please see below for information about venue, trainers etc.
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Training overview
This activityhas already happened!
This Training Course is
for 18 participants
from Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain
and recommended for
Youth workers, Youth leaders
Working language(s):
Eolas Soileir (Youth NGO)
Eolas Soileir is a registered Educational Charity in the Republic of Ireland. All members of the board have an interest and desire in promoting non-formal education & volunteering within society. They work and volunteer within the field of education, the youth sector and sustainable development. They have extensive experience in facilitating, planning and delivering trainings & volunteer projects to a variety of groups, young people and adult learners. All of our training programmes, volunteer projects and activities are based on a life long learning approach and many are directed towards people with fewer opportunities in society. To promote volunteering we are a sending & hosting organisation for European Voluntary Service as part of the Erasmus+ programme. We are developing a residential learning centre to provide a learning facility at affordable costs to community and youth groups. To learn more see
Contact for questions:
Deirdre Quinlan
Phone: 00353879536586
Travel reimbursed up to :
Romania & south of Italy max 360.00 euro
The Netherlands, Slovenia, Italy, Spain max 275.00 euro
Food and accommodation covered
50 euro participation fee
Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass: