European Training Calendar
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Training Course
5-11 March 2023 | Ommen, Netherlands
Elements of Connection is a training course that will support you to become a more impactful communicator. You expand your method when it comes to working with people. You acquire coaching skills and practice how to implement them in your daily work and life.
What is unique about this training is that it is designed in a playful way, with various of different exercises and practices. You get the chance to not only learn new knowledge but immediately bring it to practice and adapt it to your unique style.
We are in an international group, where you can meet like-minded people from 7 different countries in Europe. For you as a youth leader and educator, it is a place for creating connections and networking.
The training will take place in the group accommodation of Olde Vechte Foundation, the Netherlands. The venue is located in the beautiful countryside, in the small city of Ommen. You will be close to nature (forest, river, parks). We will start on the 5th of March and close on the 11th. Each day we start activities at 11:30 o'clock, so you will have the morning to do your routine. The last activity of the day ends at 22:00 CET.
This is a unique learning opportunity since it is designed by the Olde Vechte Foundation which has 11 years of experience in implementing coaching to youth work. We have 31 editions of our Practicing coaching training and more than 70 editions of other personal development training courses (outside of Erasmus). We have hosted hundreds of Erasmus + projects, impacting the lives and careers of thousands of people.
Some of the most influential youth leaders and NGO managers in Europe have started their education with us and we are proud to say that we are leaders in the NGO world in Europe.
The training is funded by the Erasmus + programme, so your travel, accommodation and food will be covered. There is a 90 euro participation fee that will be deduced from your travel reimbursement.
More information you can find in the Info Letter here.
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This activity has already happened!
This Training Course is
for 30 participants
from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches
Accessibility info:
This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.
Working language(s):
Olde Vechte Foundation (Youth NGO)
Find more about us on our website:
Contact for questions:
Joanna Nikolova
Phone: +359890521282
90 Euros
Covered by the Erasmus + programme
275 euros limit for travel for each country