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  3. (EduLARP) Experience Migration Education: Journey into the Minosia Labyrinth

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(EduLARP) Experience Migration Education: Journey into the Minosia Labyrinth

Training Course

25-29 September 2023 | Northern Hessen, Germany

The five-days training course gives the opportunity to the participants to get to know and play the educational Life Action Role Play Minosia Labyrinth. Minosia Labyrinth is an interactive role play- and simulation game on the topic of migration.


Joining the training on Minosia Labyrinth (ML) gives the opportunity to the participants to get to know the three parts of ML, the preparation, the game play and the de-briefing. The de-briefing will be complemented by different modules with interactive, non-formal methods to evaluate, reflect and discuss the experiences made during the game play.

We invite you to experience this interactive learning approach and discuss issues related to inclusion, anti-discrimination, our colonial heritage…. and of course exploring the perspective of migrant and critical resistance. We will give an insight into the methods we use and the techniques behind them, and we will connect you to the network of facilitators for the Minosia approach.

Minosia Labyrinth is a cross-sectional, multi-dimensional approach, working with elements of role-play to enable participants to broaden their perspectives, to step into the shoes of others and to make experiences, which differ from their every-day life. The experiences made during the game play, will be the ground for reflection on own privileges, power-positions, creating empathy and enhances for people affected by migration. The game creates empathy and enhances understanding for the people affected by migration. It offers a multidimensional approach to reflect on privileges, prejudices and stereotypes.

You can check more about Minosia Labyrinth at: https://www.minosia.eu/


  • Residence or work in an organisation from the countries involved in the project (Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands or Germany). Sufficient English language skills in written and oral. The facilities and the LARP game are not designed barrier-free.
  • To participate it is mandatory to agree our ecofriendly travel policy of only using train, bus, or car sharing for travel to and from Northern Hesse (airplanes and individual cars/motos are excluded)


Please fill in the application, if you are interested in taking part in our training:


*The question of migration or refugee background is important for the organizers to reach a diverse group, which is needed to implement Minosia Labyrinth succesfully.


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 40 participants

from Austria, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth policy makers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, the call is open for participants with and without own migration background.

Working language(s):



solar e.V. (Youth NGO)

Contact for questions:



Phone: +4903091205469


Participation fee

We don´t ask for a participant fee.

Accommodation and food

The participants will be accommodated in a suitable guest house with double rooms, surrounded by great nature in northern Hessen. Full board on a vegan-vegetarian basis will be provided for the participants. All costs are covered by the Erasmus+ funding.

Travel reimbursement

The hosts are following a green travel policy, that means only using train, bus, or car sharing for travel to and from Northern Hesse (airplanes and individual cars/motos are excluded) are excepted.

Travel costs are reimbursed until a mximum of...

320 Euro (distance band 500 - 1999 km) for Denmark, Netherlands and Austria

210 Euro (distance band 100 - 499 km) for Germany.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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