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Destination: Youth Participation
Training Course
21-27 November 2017 | Athens, Greece
An eminently hands-on training course aiming to equip participants with competencies and tools enabling them to foster young people’s activation and participation in society.
This training course is targeting two categories of practitioners:
- experienced professionals in the field of youth participation with an interest in improving their contribution to youth engagement and in boosting their approaches,
- and those that have not directly worked in the field of youth participation, but have a strong interest in enhancing their knowledge, skills and practices in order to get involved in youth participation initiatives and projects.
A need to go back to the essence of youth participation.
There are many definitions of youth participation with none of them being universally accepted or right or wrong, as realities vary, perceptions and experiences differ, but all of them could nevertheless fall under the definition given by the Council of Europe that takes a broad approach to participation:
Participation and active citizenship is about having the right, the means, the space and the opportunity, and where necessary, the support to participate in and influence decisions and engage in actions and activities so as to contribute to building a better society.
The participation of young people in democratic life is a hot issue climbing political agendas. Different research studies claim that young people are absent from traditional ways of participation, but at the same time, are creating alternative ways of sociopolitical engagement. The role of youth work does not change. The importance of non-formal learning does not change either. There is a need for innovation but also, a necessity to go back to the basics. The significance of youth work combined with the opportunity offered by non-formal learning approaches might answer the question of how do we activate young people.
The training concept
The training course concept is based on the fundamentals of non-formal education as a learning environment that enables youth activation, engagement and participation, especially when Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is consciously used.
The training consists of an on-the-spot simulation, where participants will go through the exact experiential learning cycle thanks to the development of direct actions that will be implemented in the local community. Furthermore, the simulation experience will be reflected upon, and participants will have the opportunity to enhance competencies through workshops tailored according to their expressed needs. In this way, participants will be enabled to work more effectively with diverse target groups, empowering them to take initiative and participate in their communities.
This is a step by step process, that can be transferred and multiplied in local realities (contexts) of any target groups of young people (minorities, NEETs, disabled, Roma, general population etc.) but also in any field of work (environment, art, sport etc.) as a guide on how to activate, engage in and equip young people for processes of participation.
General aim
This TC aims at providing empowering practical tools to professionals involved in processes of activation, engagement and participation of young people in democratic life.
• create a common understanding of youth participation and of its processes, trends, obstacles and opportunities;
• provide participants with practical, hands-on methods, tools and approaches enabling them to contribute to young people’s activation; engagement and participation in democratic life;
• reflect on participants’ role in and develop the necessary skills for activating, engaging and motivating young people to become active citizens;
• provide space for networking, as well as for reflection, sharing of ideas, practices, and visions concerning youth participation;
• present Erasmus+ and other opportunities that can support the development and implementation of youth-initiated cooperation and projects.
Training course methods and structure
This is a five-day training course that involves a follow-up phase ensured by the trainers, aiming to assess the activity’s impact on participants’ practices.
Please note that, in case you are selected, you will be required to actively participate during the training days, as well as in the follow-up part.
The training course is embedded in non-formal learning methods, based on Kolb’s experiential learning cycle, including a combination of simulation exercises, community directed actions, practical workshops on elements of project management, and other relevant topics according to participants needs, following a self-assessment, and a field visit in Athens.
Target group
Youth workers, trainers, coaches, youth leaders, project managers, educators, from non- formal and formal learning environments including sports, cultural and public entities, active or willing to get involved in youth participation initiatives and projects.
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Training overview
This activityhas already happened!
This Training Course is
for 25 participants participants
from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Coaches, Educators, people from non - formal and formal learning environments including sports, cultural and public entities, active or willing to get involved in youth participation initiatives and projects.
Working language(s):
Hellenic National Agency Erasmus+/Youth in Action (National Agency)
Before applying please contact the NA of your residence country to check if it is involved in this concrete project and committed to cover travel costs. NB! Learn about possible participation fee and other relevant rules.
This project is financed by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme. Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs involved in this project - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Please contact your Erasmus+: Youth in Action NA to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.
Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass: