European Training Calendar
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14-17 December 2022 | Rome, Italy
The activity will bring together professionals involved with ESC volunteering projects to exchange good practices in Europe, to exchange project ideas and work on potential new partnerships for volunteering projects development focused on these two priorities.
This can happen by analysing how these two priorities are developed in volunteering projects and how organisations and volunteers are conscious about digital practices and green practices, which can enhance their experiences and potential impact on communities.
The activity would like also to contribute to the developing of quality implementation of projects in local communities and towards actual societal challenges.
Through the methods of non-formal education, participants will be able to get new knowledge that can help them in planning their projects, and learn about practices and shared results.
Methodology used in seminar will consist of Key-note speakers, sharing good practices, interactive sessions and online tools.
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This activity has already happened!
This Seminar is
for 25 participants
from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU
and recommended for
Trainers, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, Representatives from organisation with a valid ESC quality label
Accessibility info:
This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.
Working language(s):
Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani - Italian National Agency for Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps (National Agency)
Contact for questions:
Anna Villani
Phone: +39 0637591201
This project is financed within NET Activities 2021 Plan, by the participating National Agencies (NAs) of the European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+ Youth Programme. The participation fee varies from country to country. Please contact your National Agency or SALTO Resource Centre (SALTO) to learn more about the participation fee for participants from your country.
The hosting NA of this offer will organise the accommodation and covers the costs for accommodation and food.
Please contact your NA or SALTO in order to know whether they would support your travel costs. If yes, after being selected, get in touch with your NA or SALTO again to learn more about the overall procedure to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.