Coaching in the training design - Trainer Skills Workshop (TSW)
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Coaching in the training design - Trainer Skills Workshop (TSW)
Training Course
22-25 May 2018 | Tallinn, Estonia
This is a skills-oriented workshop for trainers with a long-term experience in the youth field, who have been in touch with coaching/mentoring practices and want to explore these approaches further when it comes to designing training activities.
Trainer Skills Workshops (TSW) take place twice a year as part of a strategic long-term cooperation between NAs and SALTO T&C RC coordinating European training offers for trainers. It supports ‘advanced trainers’ to exploring a certain area of trainer’s work and related competences of the ETS Competence Model for Trainers ( Every time TSW has a different thematic focus for certain skills development.
The workshop 2018 in Estonia aims to expand trainer’s competences with regard to methods and skills connected to coaching (and to a certain extent: mentoring) in the training design and practice in the field of youth.
This Trainer Skills Workshop (TSW) will tackle dimensions such as:
- Developing training/educational activities with a ‘coach hat’ (focus on attitudes, systemic approach and related-technics)
- Coaching for and in groups (complementing other courses focusing more on one-to-one coaching in training).
- Supporting/favouring learning, reflection and self-awareness through coaching techniques
More precisely, the TSW will explore a series of specific skills related to coaching in training, such as: how to better support participants in defining their (development/action) goals, how to ignite learning, what are the ‘educational relationship’ elements, etc.
Hence, it is important to highlight that this is not a course on coaching, but a short and intensive workshop on using coaching/mentoring skills in designing training activities. Due to the format and duration, the intention is to focus primarily on practical skills and on their transfer in trainers’ practice in the field of youth work.
Arrivals during Tuesday the 22nd of May (dinner is foreseen for everyone). The programme starts on the 23rd morning and ends on Friday the 25th at 13:00, hence, the departures should be arranged not earlier than 15:30 (flying time).
NB! Please keep in mind your commitment to attend the full duration of the TSW programme.
over 18 years old, speaking English
experienced* youth field trainers
who have been ‘in touch’ with coaching/mentoring practice
curious about further learning from these approaches in regards to training design.
*TSWs ( are targeting trainers who already have a long-term experience with training in the field of youth. We do not wish to set a strict minimum number of years of experience or a number of training courses but rather focus on the need for applicants to have the capacity to reflect on their practice as trainers, which generally require several years of regular practice. The training activity is for trainers who wish to develop their competence with regard to particular areas/skills and transfer the learning to their youth work practice.
TSW 2018 in Estonia is in particular for trainers who are curious about what they can further learn from coaching/mentoring (no need to have prior expertise but to at least have been in touch with these practices) and who are ready to reflect about own practice and enrich it with some coaching/mentoring approaches and techniques.
The team of the TSW is composed of Laimonas Ragauskas and Darko Markovic.
This Activity is organised by the ‘Trainer Competence Development’ (TCD) project:
The Austrian, Dutch, Czech, Estonian, German, Irish, Polish, Slovenian and Spanish Erasmus+: Youth in Action National Agencies together with the SALTO Training and Cooperation RC and the SALTO South East Europe RC develop and carry out this long-term NA strategic partnership project.
Supporting the competence development of trainers is an important aspect to ensure the high quality of youth worker trainings in Europe. The European Training Strategy therefore calls for the development of a modular system to train the trainers of youth workers by defining a set of essential competences tackled in specific courses and serve to establish a pool of certified trainers in Europe. SALTO T&C RC keeps this subject on its agenda and develops projects in cooperation with NAs and other stakeholders.
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Training overview
This activityhas already happened!
This Training Course is
for 23-25 participants
from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU
and recommended for
Working language(s):
Archimedes Foundation Youth Agency (Estonian National Agency) (National Agency)
TCD Project Steering Group -
SALTO Training and Cooperation Resource Centre (SALTO Resource Centre)
Contact for questions:
Anna Kuzina
Phone: +372 69 79 217
Before applying please contact the NA of your residence country to check if it is involved in this concrete project and committed to cover travel costs. NB! Learn about possible participation fee and other relevant rules.
This project is financed by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme. Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs or SALTO RC involved in this project - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Please contact your Erasmus+: Youth in Action NA/SALTO RC to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.
If you come from Eastern Europe and Caucasus, the Russian Federation, the Western Balkans or the SouthMed countries, please contact respectively SALTO EECA, SALTO SEE or SALTO EuroMed for further information about financial details: or,
(For sending NAs: This activity in financed by TCA 2017)
Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass: