European Training Calendar
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Training Course
4-8 November 2024 | Vilnius, Lithuania
NOTE: This seminar is designed for people active in the field of Solidarity Projects - either already actively supporting a group of young people as a coach, or planning to become a coach in the near future.
This event is NOT for people who want to acquire life or career coaching skills. No previous knowledge of coaching is necessary. We expect from participants basic understanding of the European Solidarity Corps programme and Solidarity Projects.
Who is a coach in the Solidarity Projects?
A resource person who can accompany groups of young people and support their participation. Also, a coach can facilitate and foster the quality of the learning process and assist in identifying and documenting learning outcomes at the end of the project, based on the programme guide.
What are we aiming for?
The aim of the seminar is to explore the concept of supporting young people carrying out the Solidarity Projects within the European Solidarity Corps.
What are our specific objectives?
How do we work?
To whom is this event addressed?
Participants are expected to:
No prior experience/ knowledge of coaching is required - we will introduce you to the concepts and basic coaching tools. This seminar is NOT for people who are already professional life or career coaches, it is meant for youth workers who want to acquire coaching tools to support young people.
Where and when?
The arrival of the participants is expected on 4th November 2024 and departure on 8h November 2024. If your application is successful, you will receive confirmation and a detailed program with info-pack until the end of September.
Preparation ZOOM meeting: 24.10. 16-17:30
TUESDAY 05.11.
9.30-11.00 Who is who, getting to know each other
11:30 - 13:00 Aims, Program Intro + Expectations
13.00-15.00 Lunch
15.00-16.30 Clarification of the role of a coach
17.00-18.30 Past successful experience of coaching in youth work
18.30 – 19.00 Difference mentoring/coaching/advising & Frame of coaching process
19.00-20.00 – dinner
20:00 -21.00 - Organisations market
8.00-9.00 – breakfast
9.30-11.00 - Solidarity Projects: Philosophy and Practicalities
11.00-13.00 Art of asking questions & Practice time
13.00-15.00 Lunch
15.00-16.30 Active listening & Feedback
17.00-18.30 Coaching practice
18.30-19.00 - Reflection time
20.00-21.00 – Dinner out
8.00-9.00 – breakfast
9.30 – 11.00 - Open Discussion on Future of Coaching Community
11.00-13.00 - Working with young people: Setting goalsn & Preparing contract
13.00-15.00 Lunch
15.00-16.30 - Tips for team coaching: Motivating and supporting groups & Coaching Practice
17.00-18.30 - "Planning next steps within ESC and Solidarity Projects Evaluation"
18.30-19.00 - Reflection time
19.00-20.00 – Dinner
20.00-21.00 Good bye and see you again party
FRIDAY 8.11 - departure day
Who are the trainers?
Agnieszka Szczepanik (PL) – coach ACC ICF, trainer active in international training and youth work for the last 20 years, cooperating with the Polish National Agency since 2007. She started working with young people as a mentor, then as a trainer and coordinator of local and international projects within the Youth in Action Programme. After completing the School of Business Trainers and Coaches, she graduated from the Academy of Professional Coaching to become the certificated ICF coach in 2018. Based on her experience, she has been conducting a training course ``Coaching Approach in Youth Work" for youth workers, teachers and leaders. Combining theory and practice she became the author of publications on coaching, assertiveness, and intercultural education. She also supports newcomers in coaching with the on-line course "The art of asking questions". She supports young people on their path to make their dreams come true. She ran last year's seminar “Coaching in Solidarity Projects”.
Bára Rodi (CZ) – active in international training and youth work for almost 20 years, cooperating with the Czech National Agency since 2007. In 2010/11 took part in Training of Trainers (ToT) organised by SALTO. Currently working as a free-lance trainer, facilitator and project manager in the field of education: both in youth (non-formal) and adult (also corporate sector). Her expertise with coaching tracks back to the former Youth in Action program, where she was in the pool of coaches of the Czech National Agency: supporting young people to successfully create and deliver their own local, community based projects. For the last 3 years she is delivering program called “Coaching and Mentoring for teachers” to inspire teachers to use elements of coaching in their work.
Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.
This activity has already happened!
This Training Course is
for 24 participants
from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth project managers, Youth coaches
Accessibility info:
This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.
Working language(s):
Agency of Youth Affairs (National Agency)
Contact for questions:
Phone: +37060720631
This project is financed by the participating National Agencies (NAs) of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme. The participation fee varies from country to country. Please contact your National Agency or SALTO Resource Centre (SALTO) to learn more about the participation fee for participants from your country.
Unless specified otherwise, the hosting NA or SALTO of this offer will organise the accommodation and covers the costs for accommodation and food.
Please contact your NA or SALTO in order to know whether they would support your travel costs. If yes, after being selected, get in touch with your NA or SALTO again to learn more about the overall procedure to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.