Coaching Flow Training
'Coaching Flow Training' is a six-day international training on practical coaching skills and methods aimed at everyone who is interested in coaching regardless of experience, as well as for those who work with individuals, teams or groups.
This training is designed for those who work as trainers, coaches, mentors, youth workers, teachers, educators, managers, supervisors, consultants, or involved in other supporting professions.
The 'Coaching Flow Training' is a unique opportunity for you to:
- get to know your communication style, learn new ones and the way to use them flexibly
- improve your relationship with yourself and others
- master coaching skills that empower and support achievement of full potential
- learn how to effectively use coaching for individuals, team and group development
- learn examples of good coaching practice from experienced professionals from all around Europe
The training is based on learning by doing, and the approach we encoded in the concept of Coaching Flow is mastery that stems from continuous application of knowledge, techniques and skills. The result enables you to apply the approach of Coaching Flow effortlessly.
In the Coaching Flow Training we deliver a concise selection of tools and techniques that are applied immediately. We have a ‘tool box’ approach for using them: try one out, and based on the result either continue using it or try another one from the tool box.
The direct outcome of the training for you is to develop your coaching skills and to apply what you have learnt in different aspects of your personal and professional life.
There are 20 places on the training, and we accept participants in the chronological order as long as there are places available.
To apply, fill in the application form and send it back to
For more detailed information please read our Infoletter or contact us.
Training overview
This activity has already happened!
This Training Course is
for 20 participants
from Egypt, Israel, Morocco, Palestine, Russian Federation, Eastern Partnership countries
, Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries
, Western Balkan countries 
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Volunteering mentors, teachers, volunteers
Working language(s):
Syncro - Synergy Croatia (Youth NGO)
Syncro - Synergy Croatia is a non-profit organization active in the field of non-formal education, coaching, personal and team development and international cooperation with the aim of supporting and increasing the quality of life by empowering individuals to become proactive and responsible people.
Syncro is a part of International Synergy Group with whom we share a common vision of the world that works for everyone.
International Synergy Group is a network of 35 NGOs from Europe, working together to offer opportunities for education and development of young people.
As part of the Synergy Group, we want to keep the expenses for participants as low as possible, so everyone can participate. We realize that still for many individuals the travel and participation fee can be an investment.
We invite you to be creative about it. More specifically, there are all kinds of cheap ways to travel if case you spend some time looking for it or asking someone to support you in this. Sharing with people the fact that you are looking for cheap ways of travelling to Croatia is, mostly, very effective. Also, asking and sharing about the participation fee is a very effective way of getting support. If you think this training is for you, do not let money be an obstacle to give yourself this experience.
Participation fee: 580 €
Participants that have done a Synergy or Syncro Training - 15% discount: 480 €
Participants and students without a paid job – 35% discount: 380 €
Participants are taking care of their own travel expenses.
Hosting, catering and training expenses are arranged by Syncro - Synergy Croatia.
We require a 100€ deposit to Syncro bank account to book your place in the training.
The rest can be done in two ways:
- By bank transfer before the training starts (keep in mind that sometimes it takes a few days for money to be transferred in case it is an international payment);
- In cash during the registration at the accommodation before the start of the training.