European Training Calendar
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19 December 2022 - 28 February 2023 | Online, Germany
Building Better: series of asynchronous free online trainings
The Building Better Webinar is an asynchronous online training consisting of 4 Modules that addresses representatives of the youth, civic participation, arts, cultural and creative sectors with the aim of reinforcing cross-sectoral cooperation and thus involving young people in the cultural, art and civic life of their local communities. Youth workers, artists, representatives of the cultural and creative sectors, and policymakers are provided with knowledge, tools and methods to find creative and innovative solutions to new challenges that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought and therefore, improve the quality of support systems for the youth on a local, national and European level.
Join us on this amazing journey!
Through the Building Better webinar, we seek to foster creativity, culture, and multiculturalism skills of youth workers, artists, and policymakers and support the three target groups of the project to work together and find creative and innovative solutions to the new challenges.
To achieve the aforementioned goals, we have designed and developed the asynchronous Building Better Webinar that has already been released and includes the following Modules:
Module 1: Youth Well-Being and Arts Participation - provides theoretical knowledge on what well-being is and how arts and culture can contribute to the well-being of young people, referring to different approaches and methods on encouraging young people to participate in cultural and art activities.
Module 2: Tools and Practices for cooperation projects in the CCSs - offers tools and practices on the cross-sectoral cooperation between different actors with the aim of supporting young people’s active participation in the cultural and creative sectors.
Module 3: Supporting young people in online participation - is focused on innovative methods and tools to support young people and young people with fewer opportunities to overcome barriers regarding their remote participation.
Module 4: Engaging young people through social media and online spaces - proposes ways to engage young people through social media and online spaces.
You only need to register through the link above. Since this is a self-paced and self-directed online learning programme, you can register any time as this online course is free of charge and will run for several months.
About the project
The two-year (2021-2023) European project “Building Better: Online Action for Youth and the Creative and Cultural Sectors” is coordinated by Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. with the aim of engaging more actively young people in cultural and creative activities, fostering cross-sectoral cooperation between cultural organisations, creative enterprises, youth centres and organisations and public authorities representing Culture and the Arts having been greatly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
It focuses primarily on youth creativity, cultural awareness, social participation, and supports youth workers, artists and policymakers in finding creative and innovative solutions to the new challenges brought about by the pandemic, and in improving the quality of youth support systems at the local, national and European levels.
The project aims to:
The two outputs of the project are:
IO2: Building Better Online Portal of Cooperation
To achieve the dissemination of the project, 6 Multiplier events with the participation of 180 participants will be developed.
The expected impact of the Building Better project is to contribute to the exploitation of the potential of the creativity, culture and youth fields in the post COVID recovery in the EU.
Project Partners: Jugend-& Kulturprojekt e.V. – Coordinator; Anelixis Development Consultants SA; Cyprus Academy Of Local Government; G.G. Eurosuccess Consulting Limited; Sharing Europe; SIMMETECHO (I-Participate) .
The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme.
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This activity has already happened!
This E-learning is
for 250 participants
from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Other countries in the world , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU
and recommended for
Youth workers, policy makers, artists, representatives of the CCSs
Working language(s):
English, German, Greek, Italian
Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (Youth NGO)
Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (Youth NGO)
Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (JKPeV) was founded in 2004 with the aim of providing opportunities for young people and adults to develop and use their soft and professional skills and stimulate their creativity and entrepreneurial skills through non-formal learning. Located in Dresden, Germany, JKPeV is dedicated to culture, arts and youth work whilst promoting EU citizenship and the active participation of its citizens.
We design and implement educational Projects and learning and training materials addressed to young people, adults, educators, and youth workers as well as young people with fewer opportunities. We deliver training courses, seminars, and workshops on-site, online, and abroad with a focus on supporting our target groups' self- and professional development. At the same time through the implementation of cultural and art events at our multifunctional space - KulturCentrale and the Full Moon Gallery, we assist the cultural enrichment of the city of Dresden and the Free State of Saxony and foster cultural diversity while promoting emerging and established artists that live in Dresden. Involving experienced and highly knowledgeable educators, trainers, youth workers, and project managers from Dresden and abroad and including participants with fewer opportunities (NEETs, with migrant background etc.) to our on-site projects kindles an intercultural dialogue in the heart of an already highly acclaimed artistic hub -Dresden- while on the other hand, including local citizens in our abroad events brings back to the city a fresh outlook to familiar problems and a sense of belonging to a greater group –the European.
Addressing our aim, we focus on breeding international, cross-sectoral, and cross-disciplinary cooperation in Dresden and the EU by offering a number of Training Courses and Activities focused on Personal and Professional Development, Green, Social and Digital Entrepreneurship, Film Making, Digital Media and Social Media management, Cultural Heritage and History, Active Citizenship, Youth Work and Volunteering, Inclusion and Integration annually with local and international participants and educators. Our Public Events offer the possibility for all citizens of the city wherein they take place to experience first-hand the intellectual, cultural, and artistic approaches of individuals from other countries, facilitating thus the international dialogue on common issues.
Aside from Training sessions and Seminars, JKPeV also offers the opportunity to young adults to immerse themselves in the vision of JKPeV by offering Internship and Volunteering possibilities in our organisation (Erasmus placement, ESC, Bundesfreiwilligerdienst, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs etc.). Working at the hub of such cultural activity allows young people –be they local or foreign- to better understand the possibilities, opportunities, and cultural diversity present within the European Union.
Contact for questions:
Myrto-Helena Pertsinidi
Phone: +49 351 81 047 66
The online learning programme is free of charge.