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Anti-racism in Practice and as Practice: TC1

Training Course

23 October - 1 November 2024 | Färnebo Folkhögskola, Sweden

Bringing creative methods, project management and critical reflection together: This training course invites partipants to increase their capacity in addressing youth participation and anti-racism from a holistic perspective for positive social change.

Are you a youth worker who is passionate about engaging youth in anti-racism and social justice? Do you want to develop your capacities in working towards counteracting racism and xenophobia in your daily work? This project contributes to increased capacity in addressing youth participation and anti-racism from a holistic perspective for positive social change. 

PeaceWorks, together with our partner organisations, are offering two training courses on anti-racism for youth workers. We see an increasing need for practical knowledge and strategies on how to tackle xenophobia and racism in contemporary Europe. We often meet people in the youth sector who express concern regarding the relationship between the rise of xenophobia and racism among young people and the decreasing youth participation in society. The training course addresses these issues by strengthening the capacities of youth workers to counteract racism and xenophobia in their daily work as well as their capacities to actively support anti-racist struggles and implement anti-racist projects.

When and Where?

The course consists of two course weeks. 

  • TC1: 23rd of October to 1st of November 2024 (including two days for travelling). Location: Österfärnebo, Sweden. 
  • TC2: March 2025 Location: Österfärnebo, Sweden. 

Who can participate?

This is a project for youth workers who want to develop their capacities in anti-racist work through a systemic approach and creative methods. The requirements for participation are as follows:

  • You should be at least 18 years old
  • You should have been working with young persons for at least 6 months
  • Ideally, you should have experience with working with youth from different social backgrounds.

Moreover, it is important that participants are willing to reflect on their own position as youth workers, different power dynamics, norms and stereotypes as well as their own role in reproducing these. Applications are welcome from youth workers in the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, North Macedonia, Spain and Sweden.

How do I apply?

If you are interested in participating, please fill out this form. We treat all the information you provide us with confidentiality. If you have any questions or concerns you are welcome to contact our Project Coordinator Lisa at lisa.borjel@peaceworks.se.

We look forward to your application! 

/PeaceWorks and Partner organisations

Available downloads:


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 35 participants

from Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Republic of North Macedonia, Spain, Sweden

and recommended for

Youth workers

Working language(s):



PeaceWorks Sweden (Youth NGO)

Contact for questions:

Lisa Börjel


Phone: +46 70 752 96 67


Participation fee

Participants are expected to contribute €50 for each TC.

Accommodation and food

Accomodation, food and training materials are provided at not extra cost.

Travel reimbursement

  • Participants from the Czech Republic: €309
  • Participants from France €309
  • Participants from Germany: €309
  • Participants from Greece: €395
  • Participants from Ireland: €309
  • Participants from Italy: €309
  • Participants from the Netherlands: €309
  • Partipants from North Macedonia: €395
  • Participants from Spain: €395
  • Participants from Sweden: €211

Participants using green travel (train, bus, car-pooling) are eligible for an additional grant.

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