All in the same boat - becoming an activist against hate
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All in the same boat - becoming an activist against hate
Training Course
27 February - 31 July 2017 | Portugal, Bulgaria, Netherlands
Long-term project which includes - a Training Course, a youth exchange and a seminar - focusing on comprehensive strategies, approaches and activities in youth work to tackle hate speech and discrimination and cultivate human rights activism.
The Project Includes 3 main activities and 2 inter-phase activities:
- 1 - Training Course - in Porto, Portugal - 27.2.-8.3.2017 (incl. travel dates)
sets as a goal to give competencies to the youth workers to tackle hate speech and become the multipliers, to enable them to transfer their knowledge, skills and attitudes to their targeted young people. In the training course we will mainly focus on the development of competences to deal with hate speech in youth work and communities and to identify effective and creative methods to engage young people in active and participatory citizenship. The terminal part of this activity will be dedicated for preparation of youth exchange.
- 2 - First Inter-phase Activity - Back Home
youth workers will conduct the series of workshops and preparation meetings in their organizations. The target group of the workshops will be the young people, who are motivated to know more about No Hate Speech Movement and migration crisis. The youth workers will be in charge to select 4 young people who will take part in the youth exchange, They will analyse the needs and the interests of these young people and participate in joint discussion with the partners to adjust the programme of the youth exchange.
- 3- Youth Exchange - in Bansko, Bulgaria - May, 2017
using non-formal learning platform we will explore basic concepts of hate speech, violence and the problems concerning migration crisis. We will be aiming to transform participating young people into activists - “No Hate Speech Ambassadors” and “Peace Ambassadors”. The participants will be themselves planning and conducting the campaign in the city of Bansko to practice the competences in the reality. They will also have space to get engaged in planning the campaign which they will conduct in their communities. The participants will have chance to reflect and express themselves in creative way.
- 4 - Second Inter-phase Activity - Back Home
The young people who participated in the youth exchange, will arrange the series of campaigns combating hate speech in their communities. The youth workers who were involved in the first main activity and the second main activity as the group leaders will be guiding and mentoring the young people through the whole process. The campaign will be held on June 20th - World Refugee Day in all participating countries.
- 5 - Seminar - in Rotterdam, the Netherlands - July, 2017
we will recruit the same youth workers who were participating in the previous activities. The main aim is to consolidate competences and disseminate the achievements by producing a short manual/booklet of good practices to inspire others. The seminar will also give push to creating new international projects and increase the mobility opportunities for the young people, with this we want to reinforce the partnership and establish a network of organizations which will be holding the projects and activities against hate speech and discrimination, fostering tolerance and human rights education on the regular basis.
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Training overview
This activityhas already happened!
This Training Course is
for 16 participants
from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Türkiye
Stichting CAAT Projects is a non-profit NGO, newly created in January 2016 and established in The Hague, Netherlands. CAAT stands for Creating Arts, Alternatives and Tolerance and it uses creativity and arts to empower vulnerable groups and promote tolerant communities. By collaborating with local initiatives that look to empower vulnerable communities (or groups), CAAT projects aims to bring creative and sustainable methods that help them realise their full potential. We will promote: - Art, multiculturalism and diversity; - Resilience and integration of vulnerable groups; - Creative and sustainable solutions.
CAAT’s goals: - To enhance the rising of a capable and critical society. - To promote resilience in vulnerable groups. - To empower socially excluded groups - To contribute for the integration of vulnerable groups in the society - To collaborate with other local initiatives that support communities and support their activity - To train community and youth leaders - To build long term and sustainable changes - To promote alternative and creative solutions - To promote art and culture - To promote diversity & multiculturalism
CAAT’s methods: - Participatory and creative methodologies - Using of arts as a tool to work with communities - Production of (community) arts - Development of skills and empowering programs - Campaigning for human rights - Train the trainer programs - Monitoring, Evaluating and learning projects - Organization of events, workshops and festivals - Cultural exchange programs
SOS Racismo (Youth NGO)
Alternativi International (Youth NGO)
Contact for questions:
Andreia Bessa
Phone: +31684776556
The travel costs on all three main activities of this project is reimbursed, the travel limit can be seen in the attached info pack.
Accommodation and food is covered by the project organisers.
The participation fee for the training course and the seminar is 45 EUR each.
Participants are required to participate all three phases of the project.
Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass: