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“ACCESS to Social Rights of Young People through Human Rights Education”

Training Course

4-13 August 2017 | Riga, Latvia

ATTENTION: working language is Russian! “ACCESS to Social Rights of Young People through HRE” is a course for professional development of youth workers, youth leaders and NGO representatives on human rights education in mixed ability groups.
Training Course “ACCESS to Social Rights of Young People through Human Rights Education” is a course for professional development of youth workers, youth leaders and NGO representatives who would like to learn how to use human rights education to improve access to social rights of young people with disabilities. During the Training Course participants will discover: - How to improve quality of youth work and access to social rights of young people with disabilities through human rights education.  - The concept of Social rights within human rights framework and concept of inclusion. - Interrelation between access of young people to social rights and inclusion. - Policy documents and mechanisms on social rights, social inclusion and access of young people to social rights. - Different approaches and concepts of access of young people to social rights in Europe. - The realities and good practices, challenges and opportunities of youth work in EU, Eastern Partnership region and Russia with focus on improving access to social rights of young people. - The values, principles and methods of human rights education (HRE). - Participatory principles of human rights education. - Effective tips and hints of HRE on improving access of young people to social rights and inclusion. - Competences of youth worker working in the field of improving access to social rights of young people and Youthpass. Participants will also: - Work practically in international group of participants. - Get insights, tips and hints for improving access of young people to social rights and inclusion. - Get familiar with stories of participants and specifity of different realities. - Meet local organisations working in the field of youth social rights and inclusion. - Set aims for personal and professional development. - Have an opportunity to develop common projects within and outside Erasmus+ programme. Profile of participants: - Youth workers, youth leaders and NGOs representatives working with mixed ability youth groups in the field(s) of improving access of young people to social rights; - Interested in development of their organisation/institution and discovering ways how to use human rights education to improve access to social rights of young people and inclusion of young people with disabilities in their respective city, region, country and Europe; - Motivated for further professional development; - Aged - 18+; - Able to communicate and work in Russian; - Able to participate in the full duration of the course. Partners and participants: max 2-4 participants from each country, all together 24 participants. In order to imply the inclusive approach through the course we await that every partner will compose the group of participants together with applicant organisation, and the group would be diverse involving both participants with and without physical disabilities and/or health problems (1-2 per country). We promote cooperation between local partners and organizations, therefore, it is expected that 1 participant will be selected from partner organization and others from other local organizations already partnering with local partner or willing to establish partnership.

Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 24 participants

from Armenia, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth leaders, representatives of NGOs and other institutions/organisations

Working language(s):



"Participation for All" (Youth NGO)

The „Participation for All” is an International network of youth organisations and NGOs working with young people, youth workers and professional groups as well as individuals. “The „Participation for All” was created as a result of a long term cooperation project between different organisation from Europe and Central Asia dedicated to participation and inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, particularly with physical disabilities, by means of non-formal education. The aim of the network is to promote active citizenship, to foster development of active civil society and increase participation of young people, particularly those with fewer opportunities, and marginalised and minority groups in public life. The main branch of the network is located in Riga, Latvia and it has branches in 11 European and Asian countries.

Contact for questions:

Natalja Gudakovska

Website: https://accesshre.blogspot.hu/


Phone: +371 29452445


Project is financed in the frames of the EU Erasmus+ programme (KA1), which means: Food and accommodation will be paid by the Programme, visa cost cover 100% and travel costs will be paid within the limits set by the Erasmus+ programme. Limits for countries: most economic route will be required. For your information some data on limits: Latvia - 20 Eur/180 Eur (depending on the region), Ukraine - 275 Eur, Moldova - 275 Eur, Estonia - 180 Eur, Lithuania - 180 Eur, Russian Federation - 275 Eur/530 Eur (depending on the region), Armenia - 360 Eur, Georgia - 360 Eur, Belarus - 180 Eur/275 Eur (depending on the region). Data is just for your information. Expenses will be agreed individually. Please do not buy tickets before you get confirmation about acceptance and note to buy the tickets! The participation fee for the course is 15 Euro. In individual cases for participants with mobility impairment we will be able to offer financial support for an assistant.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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