European Training Calendar
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Training Course
24-30 June 2023 | Mikuszewo, Poland
In this 7 day intensive program participants will explore the Nature-based Map of the Human Psyche, an educational approach based on the interdisciplinary concept of psychology inspired by nature and the human potential and soul. The concept focuses on the ability of humans to be whole. Wholeness is the ability of a person to be fully themselves, acknowledging their unique inner and outer resources, potential, skills, competencies, gifts, and purpose and using them soulfully for their own self-development as well as the development of the young people and the community.
Our wild minds, as Bill Plotkin describes, possess astonishing resources, untapped potentials, and depths that we might not even know exist until we discover how to access them, cultivate them, and integrate them into our lives. In this training, we’ll access these depths and potentials — which we call the four facets of the Self — and also the four sets of fragmented or wounded subpersonalities that formed in childhood.
During the training participants will discover:
- how to recognize and consciously cultivate the four facets of the Self — innate human wholeness;
- how to identify the subpersonalities that were supportive in childhood and adolescence to adapt to the challenges of family and social life, but ultimately became barriers to access full and authentic humanity;
- practices and guidelines for cultivating relationships between the Self and subpersonalities, enabling to heal subpersonalities, discover their gifts, and foster Self-actualization;
The training will be followed by the online meeting in September.
Who can participate?
Youth workers, trainers, educators, NGO leaders and workers who are willing to explore and develop themselves and after that to resourcefully inspire their community. The participants must be over 18 years and have a good level of English.
Participants can apply to this training if they a legal residency in Poland, Romania, Turkey, Latvia, Cyprus, Netherlands, Czech Republic and Spain.
When and Where?
Dates: from 23rd of June to 1st of July (including travel days)
Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.
This activity has already happened!
This Training Course is
for 28 participants
from Cyprus, Czech Republic, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, Türkiye
and recommended for
Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth coaches
Working language(s):
CIM Horyzonty (Others)
CIM Horyzonty is an independent non-governmental organization, operating under various names since 1996 at the local, regional, national and international levels, located in Poznan, Poland.
Our goals are to initiate, run and support educational, social and cultural activities for and for the local community and to build intercultural dialogue between representatives and representatives of different cultures. We want to influence the creation of a world without hatred, full of intentional understanding, for which we care about together, starting from our own backyard, but also going far beyond the horizon.
Contact for questions:
Boguslawa Garus
Phone: +48695828135
There is no participation fee
Accommodation and food are fully covered by the program.
The travel costs will be reimbursed up to the following limits:
Netherlands 320 EUR per person (green travel)
Czech Republic 210 EUR per person (green travel)
Latvia 320 EUR per person (green travel)
Poland 23,00 EUR per person (green travel)
Romania 275,00 per person
Turkey 275,00 EUR per person + visa costs
Cyprus 360,00 EUR per person
Spain 360,00 EUR per person
Note: green travel means no plane used for travel.