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  3. 1st European Contact-Making Seminar: Social Justice for all?

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1st European Contact-Making Seminar: Social Justice for all?

Partnership-building Activity

17-23 November 2014 | European Youth Education and Meeting Centre (EJBW), Weimar, Germany

The CME is expected to support all present participants and their sending institutions in developing future cooperative projects and exchanges involving not only participants but also their beneficiaries in the field of "social justice”.
Taking into consideration that the term “social justice” is used differently - “social justice” mostly as the English term as an expression for the civil society field working against racism, prejudices, and discrimination and how these are reproduced and strengthen by fears of being different or matching the unknown (e.g. so called “social justice & diversity trainings”) versus the e.g. German term “Soziale Gerechtigkeit”, understood as the discourse about e.g. “participatory justice”. In this each individual issues in contrast to an "egalitarian" distributive justice or a formal rule “to achieve and to guarantee equal opportunities through targeted investment in the development of individual abilities (capabilities).” In this regard we will focus within the project on both “understandings” of the terms e.g. through: • Analysing those factors (prejudices, discrimination, individual, cultural and institutional barriers) that prevent participation of less-privileged youth • Supporting/helping the participants in raising their capabilities to become aware of and use their a) privileges and resources as well as respect b) obstacles and resistance while supporting young people • Supporting participants to ensure the feasibility and development of projects/actions with the involvement of those young people; • Supporting participants in their learning process by providing a space to exchange experiences and good practices or possible problems. Further the project is used to discuss among others the following questions • What is “social justice” and which role plays (European) Youth work in there? • What are the strengths and weaknesses of our daily work with children & youth? • Where are the gaps, opportunities, approaches and possible solutions? The CME is furthermore expected to support all present participants and their sending institutions in developing future cooperative projects and exchanges involving not only participants but also their beneficiaries. Additionally guest speakers are invited to give initial inputs. The CME is accompanied by professional technological support. All applied methods and activities are based on experiences made in several years of practice on civic education and youth work practices on local, regional, national & international level. The project will take place at the European Youth Meeting and Education Centre Weimar (EJBW). 17th – 23rd of November 2014.

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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Partnership-building Activity is

for 35 participants

from Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers

Working language(s):



European Youth Education and Meeting Centre (EJBW), Weimar (Youth NGO)


Contact for questions:

Markus Rebitschek


Phone: +49 (0)36 43 / 82 71 15


Costs for accommodation, food and programme activities are covered fully. According to the new rules within the Programme “Erasmus+ Youth in Action” we will reimburse the travel costs for the CME on the basis of the cheapest possibilities, e.g. second class railway tickets, APEX-flights etc., accompanied by the receipt of complete and original tickets, invoices, bills, receipts, boarding cards etc. upon a certain “contribution to the travel costs of participants, from their place of origin to the venue of the activity and return”. This contribution is “based on the travel distance per participant. Travel distances must be calculated using the distance calculator supported by the European Commission” The contribution is as follows: Romania 275 EUR Estonia 275 EUR Croatia 275 EUR France 275 EUR Belgium 275 EUR Portugal 360 EUR Greece 360 EUR Malta 360 EUR Slovenia 275 EUR Germany 180 EUR Czech Rep.180 EUR Further a participation fee of EUR 45 is charged for participation in the CME. The amount is paid in cash by the participant on the spot (arrival day, registration and check in).

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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