Youth Participation Strategy

Youth Participation Strategy enhances youth participation in democratic life through the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes.

Young people are increasingly now involved in ‘alternative forms’ of participation, including youth activism, community volunteering, online activism or youth social movements such as the climate activism movement.

Related to this shift, youth civil society is also in a time of transition, moving from being based around structured hierarchical models of representation and participation to a more networked and diverse sector. At the same time, many youth civil society organisations are also raising concerns about infringements on their freedom of association, assembly and expression, and what has been termed the ‘shrinking space for civil society’.

  • How to tackle all these trends and challenges?
  • How to plan your youth participation activities to maximise their impact?
  • What is quality youth participation?

The strategy promotes youth participation across all actions. It gives youth work stakeholders a strategic vision on how to involve young people when making decisions and how to take a quality approach to youth participation when doing so.

Read the Youth Participation Strategy on the Participation Resource Pool. In case you'd like a print copy, please contact us by writing to


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