Youth Bus

Informing youngsters with original means... presented by Giedre from Lithuania

  • My project ?

In our hometown we decided to have a unique Youth bus! The core group running the project consisted of 15 young people between 15 and 19 years old. We learnt about the possibilities of Youth Initiatives and with the support we got, we found a bus. Then we painted it in graffiti style and we put inside a lot of information we considered useful for young people: theatres, cinemas timetables, information about local and international youth organizations, etc. We managed to install inside the bus a hi-fi system, so music was playing all the time. In addition, the bus was used as a daily public transport so everybody could step on and off. It was available for more than one year!

  • The Outcome

Well, in the first place it was a unique life experience! You know, when you are young you want to try things in life, and this was something special. The project allowed us to meet many other young people, to learn new social skills and to enjoy an excellent time! In addition, many people used the bus everyday, so we can consider them beneficiaries as well. Another important thing is that it has been an absolute benchmark for the community where I live! The project has become popular and now many people both in Lithuania and also in many other places of Europe know our experience, especially as we have won some prizes with our project, like the Youth Awards last year, which have allowed us to travel abroad and present it.

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