SALTO TC Rural & Isolated Youth 2007

A Training Course for youth workers working in rural areas or isolated places (islands, mountainous regions, less serviced areas, less access to information,...) - about how to use the European Youth in Action programme as a tool to create meaningful projects for this target group.

The training was co-organised and co-funded by the Turkish National Agency of the Youth in Action programme - and developed in partnership with 2 European umbrella organisations for Rural Youth: MIJARC Europe and Rural Youth Europe.

Dates & Venue

  • This course took place from 28 April to 4 May 2007 in Antalya-Kemer, South-Turkey.


The SALTO TC Rural aimed to increase the use of the European Youth in Action programme in the youth work in rural and isolated areas in order to stimulate opportunities for young people in those areas.

Outcomes and Impact

Rural Youth Projects booklet

A direct outcome of the SALTO TC Rural is the educational booklet "Village International" in the SALTO Inclusion for ALL series, about setting up international projects in rural and geographically isolated areas.

The Multiplying Effect: one course leads to many projects

During the SALTO TC Rural, a large part of the course was spent in Project Groups where the participants could work together on concrete projects of their interest. At the end of the Training Course...

  • ALL (100%) participants said that they had developed concrete project ideas at the course
  • 95% of the participants said to have partner organisations to be involved in their activitie(s)
  • 84% of participants said they have found those partners at the SALTO TC Rural - which indicates the high networking & partner-finding dimension of the course
  • All but one participant indicated their project would be a Youth in Action programme project - 86% of participants indicate the high benefits of YiA for their youth work (indicating 5 or 6 on a scale of 1 to 6) - 14% indicated medium benefits (4), nobody was negative (<4) about the usefulness of YiA projects
  • 91% said to have a very high commitment to setting up (international) projects after the course (indicating 5 or 6 on a scale of 1 to 6) - 9% indicated moderate commitment (4)

Six months after the course

  • 94% of participants have created or applied for a total of 37 youth projects in the 6 months after the course! (some might be common projects between participants)
  • 29% of those 37 projects (=11) were already projects completed - 65% in application stage (= 24 submitted request for funding)
  • 67% of those 37 projects were accessing or applying for Youth in Action funding (=25 projects)
  • In 63% of those 37 projects (=23), (some of) the partners were found at the TC Rural

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In total 196 participants applied. 23 participants from 13 different countries were selected (11 men and 12 women). Amongst the participants, 3 came from 'pre-accession countries' and 2 'neighbouring partner countries'.

Team of Trainers

The SALTO TC Rural was developed and implemented by 3 youth work trainers and coordinated by SALTO Inclusion and the Turkish NA (hosting)

  • Sabine Klocker (F, Austria, Trainer & Editor)
  • Laimonas Ragauskas (M, Lithuania, Trainer)
  • Gilbert Kuepper (M, German-Speaking Belgium, Trainer)
  • Tony Geudens (M, Belgium Fl, coordinating)
  • Oya Bumin (F, Turkish, coordinating)

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