Training Essentials: From Idea to Project

This training course took place in the EuroMed Youth Centre in Adrasan (Turkey) from 18 to 24 October 2010.

The training organized with the Turkish National Agency, was designed for professionals in youth and potential trainers from both sides of the Mediterranean sea, to support their professional development and expand theirskills in designing and implementing a training activity,taking into account the Euro-Mediterranean dimension.

It took place from 18 to 24 October, in EuroMed Youth Centre in Adrasan (Turkey), created by the University of Antalya (in cooperation with Salto EuroMed).

20 participants from 11 countries  (6 mediterranean partner countries and  5 european countries) met.

The outcomes of this training session: 8 training projects will be presented at the upcoming calls for proposals and should be hosted in Lebanon (1), Palestine (Occupied Territories) (1), Turkey (2), Czech Republic (1), Greece (1) and France (2).

Very soon, the video will be upload.

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