Tools developed by SALTO

Useful tools for European Youth Worker Training and Partner-finding

  • European Training Calendar

    Everything at a glance: training within the ERASMUS+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps programmes and beyond! Are you curious about what Europe has to offer in training activities in the field of youth and non-formal education? Would you like to contribute to the varied range to make it even more attractive? Search this online calendar for interesting international training and use it for promoting your own training offers!

    European Training Calendar
  • Otlas - the partner-finding tool

    Finding partners for international projects has never been easier.

    Otlas - the partner-finding tool
  • Toolbox for Training & Youth Work

    Created to help you find and share useful training Tools, the Toolbox for training is an online catalogue you can browse through freely or even contribute to!

    Toolbox for Training & Youth Work
  • TOY-Trainers Online for Youth

    An easy way to find a trainer for your international training activities in the youth field. Training organisers can search the TOY profiles of an increasing number of experienced youth trainers. Trainers can promote their trainer skills in the TOY database.

    TOY-Trainers Online for Youth
  • Call for trainers

    An easy way to launch your call for trainers to all the international trainers listed in the TOY Trainer database.

    Call for trainers
  • Perfect projects with the

    The (Q! App for the friends) guides organisers to a great Quality! Mobility project with 16 easy questions and tons of Q! Resources. Write your project together with your partners and download it to apply for funding. Easy, peasy! 

    Or rate your mobility project according to the EPLM Quality Principles for learning mobility.

    Perfect projects with the
  • HOP online learning

    The HOP aims to foster online learning in Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps. Here you can find the online learning platform itself, dedicated FB page, information about the HOP council as well as the library with the background documents relevant to online learning and digital youth work in European context.

    HOP online learning
  • SALTO Network Publications

    SALTO Network provides a number of publications and leaflets which you can order from the relevant SALTO Resource Centers - most of them also exist in electronic version to download directly from the SALTO site. Let yourself be inspired!

    SALTO Network Publications
  • Evaluation

    Why do we evaluate? Who is it for and how do we do it? This section provides answers to some of these questions and also information, resources and tools to support you in the evaluation process.

  • MOOC about Erasmus+ funding opportunities for youth

    The online course includes organised learning resources covering all 3 Key-actions of Erasmus+:Youth programme

    MOOC about Erasmus+ funding opportunities for youth
  • MOOC European Solidarity Corps

    This online course "MOOC on the European Solidarity Corps" explores the possibilities young people and organisations can have within the European Solidarity Corps Programme

    MOOC European Solidarity Corps
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