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Trashycle - Creative Making Through Circular Economy for Wellbeing

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This guide is a comprehensive manual of a program that combines participatory processes, design thinking and waste fabrication methodologies for the wellbeing of young people with mental health issues or at risk of social exclusion.

Aims of the tool

By outlining the steps of the process, we hope this guide becomes a versatile tool for replicating co-fabrication projects, advocating for open-source culture, knowledge-sharing, and supporting youth.

Description of the tool

This guide is a comprehensive manual that combines participatory processes, design thinking, and waste fabrication methodologies. Its goal is to promote sustainability concepts and emphasize the necessity of creating such tools, especially in the face of environmental emergencies. By outlining the steps of the process, we hope this guide becomes a versatile tool for replicating co-fabrication projects, advocating for open-source culture, knowledge-sharing, and supporting youth with mental health issues or at risk of social exclusion.

In our exploration of similar tools and guides within the maker community, we noticed a lack of open-source resources online describing the methodology of these projects. While there are some educational guides focusing on school contexts or specific element fabrication, many are brief and concentrate solely on construction and design, neglecting the overall project methodology. Additionally, few resources integrate concepts of circular economy and the use of waste materials. This guide aims to fill this gap by presenting a methodology that conveys environmental values, shifting the design paradigm towards reusing recovered resources and waste utilization.

The guide is designed to be a valuable resource for organizations working with youth facing mental health challenges or at risk of social exclusion. Its purpose extends beyond skills and knowledge transfer, aiming to instil confidence, independence, joy, and employability in these individuals.

Target Groups:
This guide is for organizations, NGOs and institutions working with youth facing mental health challenges or social exclusion. It is designed to encourage creative activities with an environmental impact, promoting skills and knowledge that lead to better well-being and employment opportunities.

This guide is divided into three parts. The first part (Part 1 - Preparation and Organization) provides insights into the internal team organization. It offers instructions for preparing and planning training and practical activities within the participatory process.

In the second part (Part 2 - Execution), you'll find details about the Training (2A), Co-design (2B), and Co-Manufacturing (2C) phases. Following this, there's a Trashycle Case Study. The project's time and duration are designed for a medium/long-term program, but they can be adjusted based on the group's needs and objectives.

Activities can be followed as described, combined, interchanged, or selected based on project needs. Some activities are labeled "Optional," as they depend on the program's nature and objectives. Our experience emphasizes the importance of a balance between practical and theoretical sessions. Depending on the group's age, interests, or available resources, these steps can be interchanged. Flexibility is crucial in the participatory process, allowing the team to make variations based on participant interests and maintain engagement.

For each activity in Part 2, you'll find suggestions on duration, resources, and templates. These are flexible and can be modified. The primary template is the Script, a document aiding in structuring and planning activities. You'll find this template in the Annex, along with complementary documents like calendars, sheets, etc.


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

Trashycle - Creative Making Through Circular Economy for Wellbeing

This tool is for

This guide is for organizations, NGOs and institutions working with youth facing mental health challenges or social exclusion. It is designed to encourage creative activities with an environmental impact, promoting skills and knowledge that lead to better well-being and employment opportunities.

and addresses

Social Inclusion, Personal Development, Environment

It is recommended for use in:

Strategic Partnerships

Materials needed:

-space for creative activities
-tools for making


flexible, according to the needs

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

TransfoLAB BCN/CoLab House/SOSPED

The tool has been experimented in

the effects of creative reuse on young people with mental health issues or at risk of social exclusion

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Alexandra Palaisti (on 5 March 2024)

and last modified

1 March 2024

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