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Inclusive Learning Spaces- Inclusive Class rooms

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The research provides profound and wide analytical proof coming from both formal and non- formal education fields from 4 European countries on how escape adventures foster inclusion in classrooms and other learning environments.

Aims of the tool

The aim of the research is to monitor, analyse and evaluate the impact of educational escape adventures in the process of creating inclusive learning environments in formal and non-formal education fields.

The research identifies which elements of escape adventures support the inclusion process and the learning process. Therefore this research contributes to the understanding of how these learning and inclusion processes work and how they can be optimised in the various educational fields.

Description of the tool

The research provides profound and wide analytical proof coming from formal and non- formal education fields from 4 different European countries on how escape adventures foster inclusion in classrooms and other learning environments. The target group of the research were educators from formal and non-formal education, researchers, local authorities, youth workers and young people.

The impact of the escape adventures has been analysed on how the popular leisure time activity-based on the escape rooms have been transformed into inclusive and educational escape adventures and used for educational purposes in different countries, simultaneously with the aim to create more inclusive and engaging classrooms and other learning spaces.

This research could be used as fundamental material on national and European level to promote innovative tools (escape adventures) to work on various inclusion topics and creative inclusive methodologies in formal and non-formal education. Besides that, it shows how formal and non-formal education institutions work together for a common aim.

Based on data gathering, the research process helped to identify weak points of escape adventures and improve them to create escape adventures that are inclusive
and fit the local context and needs.

The Inclusive Learning Spaces research outcomes have been summarized. The conclusions are captured in an infographic as a trigger to invite educators to read the detailed research.

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Tool overview

Inclusive Learning Spaces- Inclusive Class rooms

This tool is for

Educators: teachers, youth workers, social workers, youth leaders and anyone who works with young people in any educational setting.

and addresses

Social Inclusion, Disability

Materials needed:



as long as you need for reading

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Anita Birzniece, Ilze Vanaga, Javi Quilez, Tina Korai, Katerina Nastopoulou

in the context of

Escape Exclusion - Strategic Partnership Project KA2 in Erasmus+

The tool has been experimented in

Data coming from various local, regional, national and international activities, trainings and events in both formal and non-formal education, mainly in Italy, Latvia, Spain and The Netherlands.

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Gabi Steinprinz (on 4 January 2024)

and last modified

26 June 2023

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