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ToolBox "Outdoor Activities for Inclusion"

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The Toolbox of outdoor games and activities supporting the inclusion, your handy book to implement outdoors.
It contains a wide number of methods explained step by steps that can be easily implemented with various target groups.

Aims of the tool

The Toolbox aims to expand the use of outdoor activities as a tool supporting inclusion in youth work.

Description of the tool

The Toolbox contains the following:
- Basic data about the "Outdoor Activities for Inclusion" project
- Examples of National Games from the participant's countries, that can be used for inclusion
- Examples of games/activities implemented by participants. (These activities were developed by the participants in the first stage of the project.)
- Lessons Learned & Tips from participants
- Glossary
- References
- Names of "Outdoor Activities for Inclusion" project participants


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

ToolBox "Outdoor Activities for Inclusion"

This tool addresses

Social Inclusion, Group Dynamics, Peer education

It is recommended for use in:

Youth Exchanges
Training and Networking

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Participants of a multi-stage project "Outdoor Activities for Inclusion"

in the context of

A multi-stage project "Outdoor Activities for Inclusion" funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education.

The tool has been experimented in

Training, Seminar, Daily work with young people

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Vitalii Volodchenko (on 31 December 2019)

and last modified

23 December 2019

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