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Art for Start Toolkit

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Using artistic techniques and tools for inclusion of people from ethical minorities, deprived categories and with disabilities, will empower youth workers and youth leaders sharing tools and practices of inclusion of people from socially marginalized

Aims of the tool

The aim of the toolkit is helping organizations that are working with artistic techniques and tools for inclusion of people from ethical minorities, deprived categories and with disabilities.

Description of the tool

The idea of the project came up in responce to the emerging need for NGOs in Europe to learn how to help their communities to effectively integrate new social categories which appeared recently, including refugees, internally displaced people and other marginalized groups. A number of organizations already successfully work on the theme of inclusion, and the most popular and effective approach is through using various artistic techniques because art is a notion that exists beyond nations, ages, languages, social, political or religious background. It appeals to the essence of humanity and serves as a unifying factor and social glue.

The tool is expected to even more to realize the need of integration of socially marginalized groups and acquire more effective tools for it. Also using the tool participants learn how to better explain to their communities the need of integration and openness towards these marginalized groups. The project suggests a strong multiplying effect because it involves youth leaders from different countries who are interested to make difference.

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Tool overview

Art for Start Toolkit

This tool is for

Any group of people.

and addresses

Social Inclusion

It is recommended for use in:

Training and Networking

Behind the tool

The tool was created by


(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Milcho Duli (on 1 June 2017)

and last modified

25 January 2017

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