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Let’s Fly Together! Boardgame

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“Let´s Fly Together” is a boardgame aimed at promoting social inclusion. It´s target group are young people, and it´s to be played by 3, 4, 6 or 12 players, who need to play collaboratively, while completing different tasks related to social inclusion.

Aims of the tool

The main aim of “Let´s Fly Together” boardgame is to promote social inclusion. Its objectives are to:
- Increase participants knowledge of human rights
- Motivate participants to critically reflect on issues of discrimination
- Provide experience of the benefits of integration through collaborative tasks

Description of the tool

“Let´s Fly Together” is a boardgame aimed at promoting social inclusion. It´s target group are young people, and it´s to be played by 3, 4, 6 or 12 players, who need to play collaboratively, while completing different tasks related to social inclusion.

The game is suitable for 3, 4, 6 or 12 players. It is important that all of the pieces (origami birds) are used in one game. Therefore, if there are 3 players each player must use 4 pieces each, if there are 4 players they must each use 3 pieces and so on. If there isn’t the right amount of players, they can play in pairs. Players need to choose birds of the same colour. All the pieces belonging to one player can move simultaneously. If a player lands on the same square as another, the player originally on that square must go back to the beginning.

- The board
- Twelve pieces (origami birds), three of each different colour
- One dice
- Question Cards
- Collaboration Cards

Each player rolls the dice, the person with the highest number starts and then the players continue clockwise. Each player has to pick up a ‘question and answer’ Question Card (explained below) and answer a question correctly in order to start playing.

During the game:
As soon as a player has answered the initial question correctly they can roll the dice and start moving along the board.
If a player lands on a ‘Collaboration’ square they will pick up a Collaboration Card, then complete the task with the rest of the group.
If a player lands on a ‘Question’ square they will pick up and answer a Question Card.
Question cards will be one of three types:
o Question and answer
o Story-telling: you will pick up a symbolic and use it to describe a particular theme
o Problem-solving: you will read and answer questions about a story from a child who has experienced discrimination
If a player lands on a square with neither ‘Question’ nor ‘Collaboration’, they stay there.

The players win collaboratively. The winners are the ones who manage to fill one home with pieces of three different colours. If there are more than one of the same colour in any one park, none of these players can win. You need to get the exact number to get home at the end.


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Tool overview

Let’s Fly Together! Boardgame

This tool is for

Target group of "Let´s Fly Together" are young people between 10 and 18 years of age. However, the game can be played by different age groups and it works well as well.

and addresses

Social Inclusion, Disability, Anti-Racism, Group Dynamics

Materials needed:

In order to play “Let´s Fly Together”, you need to make the board and to print different game cards. (the content for the cards is available to download in the Instructions). Hence, what is needed it:
• A thicker paper or a cardboard (100x50cm) for the board;
• Crayons or markers for drawing the board
• A thicker paper for Collaboration and Question cards
• Scissors
• 12 pieces (origami birds), three of each different colour
• 1 die


The game takes between 1h and 2h to play. (depending on the number of players). The preparation itself is longer, since involves a lot of printing and cutting. However, once the game is made, each next time in needs only 5 minutes to set it up.

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

“Let´s Fly Together” was developed by Diana Petrova Nenova, Elisabetta D’Angelo, Slavica Stojchevska, Miroslav Jamina and Rosie Anne Bacon, during "EduGaming", Youth in Action training course organised by the Youth Dialogue Programme.

in the context of

"Let´s Fly Together" was developed during "EduGaming", Youth in Action training course for developing educational games, which took place in March 2013 in Serbia, organised by the Youth Dialogue Programme.

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Snežana Bačlija Knoch (on 1 June 2013)

and last modified

8 May 2013

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