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Piece of Cake - Key Competences

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- get to know the Key competences in an experiencial-active way
- give opportunity to discover the Key competences in an interactive way
- use inclusive ad clear examples to get to know the Key Competences
- link the Key Competences with Learning in EVS

Description of the tool

PREPARATION – inside version:
- make a circle on the floor as big as possible (with paper tape)
- divide the circle in 8 different pieces
- every pax gets one empty round carton (cake) devided in 8 pieces (small)

Explain that objective of the game is to fill your cake with 8 different pieces of a cake with each a different taste/colour (strawberry, chocolate,...) as fast as possible but in no more than 30 minutes. (each piece corresponds with a Key competence)
- Each participant gets 2 dice (the 6 is covered). If you throw 1-8 you go the piece of the cake that has your number. If you trow 10, you can choose where you want to go
- Once you trown you go the place which corresponds with the number you threw. If there isn't any place avaliable you can trow again.
- The game ends when everybody has the 8 pieces or when the 30 minutes are over
Another possibility is to skip using the dice and let the participants choose to go to different places according to their own decission – it is easier, faster and also gives a space to come up with their own strategy, priorities.
Examples of games to run for each area see annex 1

PREPARATION – outside version:
- choose 8 different stations (2 can be run by the Trainers – the one with computer and the one with a camera).
- Put the »Tasks« on the Trees/ stations

Explain that objective of the game is to go through as many stations as they decide and fullfil the tasks written there and that within 30 mins. time limit.
At thoise 2 stations (where the Trainers are present) can the task be read only or explained by Trainers – the Trainers are only involved when being asked for help or more explanation.
Examples of games to run for each area see annex 1

When the time limit is over:
You can check results (how many tasks they did) with the group and start the diebrefing.
Guidelines for debriefing :
1. How was it for you (feelings, first impressions, thoughts)?
2. Are you happy with the result?
3. How did you decide where to start? Which station and why?
4. Did you help or get help from other people (other participants, trainers)?
5. Which piece of the cake (station/task) do you like the most? Why?
6. Do you think you can you do something differently than before?
7. Which difference you find in the activities of each piece of cake? Which area you can find in each piece of cake?
8. How does it link with your learning in EVS?

Than reveal the fact that each “Station – task” was linked to Key Competences – explain briefly what “Competences” mean and where the Key Competences come from.
Than ask participants to help you to link the tasks and Key Competences.

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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

EVS Volunteers during the On-arrival Training

and addresses

Personal Development

It is recommended for use in:

Action 2 (European Voluntary Service)

Materials needed:

INSIDE version:
- Small round paper "cakes" divided in 8 parts for each participant
- A big paper cake to put in the middle of the plenary
- 8 Big pieces of "cake" in paper with the single "Tasks" (you can also use simbles, images etc.) -linked to that 8 Papers with written Key Competences
- 8 different paper pieces of cakes toppings (8 different colours or taste) for each participant – this is additional for decoration
- Tape, dices
- equipment (computer, etc) you need to run all the "stations"

OUTSIDE version:
- 8 "stations" (for example trees in the circle easy to find) - on A3 paper written 8 "Tasks"
- on same colour of papers as the »Tasks« written the Key Competences
- 1 big A3 paper with a picture divided in 8 parts (can a be a football -ball, cake whatever linked to the place, time of the year)
- equipment (computer, etc) you need to run all the "Stations"


90 minutes (15 minutes introduction, 40 minutes "game", 30 minutes debriefing and input about Key Competences) can be cut to 70 mins. (outside version)

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Bara Stemper Bauerova, Sven Retoré; Baiba Krisjane, Saro Rossi Adapted (outside version by Bara SB).

in the context of

During the Youthpass Training for EVS Trainers, October09, Slovenia

The tool has been experimented in

On-arrival Training, June 2010, Vienna

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Bara Stemper-Bauerova (on 31 July 2010)

and last modified

31 July 2010

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