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Simulation Exercise, Group Building Activity


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Designed to be used as a team building activity in multicultural environments such as training courses or exchanges in general. It has been tested several times now with good success. It has proved a great potential both as a simple team building activity and as a (it's longer version) simulation of the project cycle: writing and implementing in a multicultural partnership a complex project given the scarce resources available.

It’s main objective is to get people to know each other through a team activity, but it has developed into a learning tool on how to deal with cooperative project writing with scarce resources symbolizing budget and time limits.

In terms of knowledge it is a good tool for raising awareness of the difficulties in project making when working as a team, it focuses on the differences of skills and attitudes in team members both technical and personal ones (writing or artistic skills or stress management and leadership).

In a high pressure situation (scarce time available, limited number of pictures available, mandatory participation of all members and inner team communication issues) it can really bring out very complex and diverse dynamics.

Description of the tool

Step by step description:
Please, refer also to the attached handout.

Give a very short introduction to the concept of fotoromanzo handing out a page from a real magazine (or just print the fotoromanzo.jpg) to all the participants (they can assemble the pages later if they are curious about it…)

Read out the rules and timing (rules and timing can change depending on the choice between basic team building version or complex project making simulation)

Hand out the stories [only for version with ready to use case studies]

Split participants into groups of 4-6 partici

Send them out to work

When groups are back have them “play” each fotoromanzo while projecting them on a wall

Open the floor to short debriefing on why a fotoromanzo can be a metaphor of a project

The activity needs to be played in one large plenary room where participants will be given the rules and handouts, then the groups can work anywhere they prefer, and meet back in the plenary for the showing of the results.


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

Ages: any Profile: anyone can play, participants or youth leaders, as long as each team has one person capable of using simple office software. Number: minimum 4 participants (to have a bit of dynamics), no maximum as it’s done in small groups of 4-5 pax

and addresses

Group Dynamics, Project Management, Intercultural Learning

Materials needed:

1 pc and a digital camera for each group, plus one projector for the final plenary show of the results


It depends on the version and the aims, but it needs a minimum of 1 hour. It has also been played for the whole length of a training course.

Behind the tool

The tool was created by


(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Alexandro Jan Lai (on 22 December 2009)

and last modified

22 December 2009

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