United against youth precarity

“UAYP” is a project, which is aimed at co-operation between like-minded organizations that are active in the field of anti-precarity actions and measures.

Nowadays, we witness that precarious labour and work conditions, various types of associated
instabilities become more and more serious and topical issues for young people in particular and workers and employees in general. “United against (youth) precarity” is a project, which is aimed at establishment of sound co-operation between like-minded partner organizations all around Europe active in the field of anti-precarity actions and measures.

The total duration of the project is 5 months -
from January 1, 2018 till May 31, 2018.
On behalf of Movement for Decent Work and Welfare Society during the course of the project we plan to organize a 3-day meeting with the representatives of the partner organizations. The meeting will take place in the middle of March (week 11) in one of the regions of Slovenia. We are inviting for up to 2 representatives of each organization to join us.

The programme of the meeting includes presentation of precarity (youth precarity in particular) situation in each of the participating countries, lectures on precarity prepared by the members of our organization, roundtables, brainstorming sessions, and debates.

We ask all interested to join us organizations to send us 1-2-page-long summary of the precarity situation in your country. Since we are aiming at establishment of long-lasting and mutually beneficial ties, we ask your organization to take our request responsibly. Some of the things you can write about include: how precarity is covered in media, is this problem addressed in any way by politicians in your country, what are the types of work that are precarious and which ones seem the most precarious, especially for young people.

Deadline for applications and submissions is September 26, 2017.

Check full description of the project in the attachment.

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Project overview

taking place
from 2018-01-01 till 2018-05-31
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Non-formal learning
  • Policy-making
  • Unemployment/employability

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