Creative Community Changemakers

The Ashford Undivided – Creative Community Changemakers, has been set up to take advantage of community space and to share opinions/documents to prepare for the up and coming workshops, discussions, art, performances etc.

We invite anyone to come along to plan and attend events and when participating, to consider what community means to you, why you are proud of where you live, express yourself creatively – and apply these to creating the future outside of the EU.

It is entirely politically neutral. We just want to create, communicate and make positive change to modern day society – and have fun doing so!

Past projects

Creative Wellbeing

Creative Wellbeing will be a project involving writing and arts, supporting young people to explore themselves and their lives through creativity.

Writing for wellbeing

Literature is formed from emotion, and can positively impact a persons wellbeing.

Workspace Architecture

Given the nature of today’s work processes, the digital age and the hyper growth of cities, how can the workplace better support human performance?

Employment issues in farming

Farming and agriculture is losing support, it is down to modern day society to ensure its continuation.

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Creative Community Changemakers is

a Informal Group of Young People
based in United Kingdom (Ashford)
  • United Kingdom Ashford
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
Creative Community Changemakers in 160 characters:

We just want to create, communicate and make positive change to modern day society – and have fun doing so!

Partner connections

Creative Community Changemakers has no connections so far.

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