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Training Course

23-30 September 2012 | Limoges, France

THE HUMAN RIGHT TO ENVIRONMENT IN NON-FORMAL EDUCATION is a training course that will take place in Limoges (France) and will gather 28 youth leaders and youth workers from 7 EU countries.
Education and environment, two problems that start getting closer but that still misread too much, then they could work together in a complementary way, for the improvement of the quality of life of everybody. To make a link between human rights, environment and non-formal education is a crucial issue in the contemporary days. Humans need environment, for using its resources, however the environment does not need humans. Humans’ needs are based on environment and we are over using all the available resources. There is a need of making a change in our daily actions, and since youth is the future generation of decision makers and experts, we need to empower them in order to assure the natural resources that will let the activities of the system; this is what we call sustainable development. Sustainable development involves the integration of environment into other policies and therefore recognizes the prominent role of the environment in the new public policies. But this principle of integration is combined with the right to development must concern not only the needs of present generations but also future generations. This consideration of the sustainability of development time reference to the need for a careful and fair shared natural resources. The Declaration of Rio in 1992 says in the principle 1: “ Human beings are at the centre of concern for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature ». In 2003 the High Commission on Human Rights adopted a résolution on 25th April 2003 devoted to human rights and environment as elements of sustainable development. Non-formal education has the responsibility to implement, share, and to encourage projects that will promote the role of environment in our society. Youth workers are in charge of empowering young people to develop initiatives that will provide a sustainable development in the economical activities, in services, in social activities, etc. This training course is addressed to youth workers, NGO leaders, volunteers working with young people, environment experts, etc. that wish to learn about new initiatives, and a new dimension of the youth work involving the importance of sustainable development in the frame of human rights in Europe and the world. This seminar will combine the participation of countries facing different problems related to environment. The participants will have the opportunity to share their good practices and new initiatives, in order to inspire members from other organisations. A session dedicated to the evolution of environmental policies in the last decades presented by an environmental expert being present in international law and the origin of the concept “sustainable development” will let participants to discover the reasons why our world is not adopting these conventions. An environmental exchange session will let us learn from other countries how we can use in our daily life sustainable development initiatives. For example: up-cycling, recycling, the use of renewable energies, examples of economy activities, natural products non aggressive with the environment, etc. Objectives: - To create new youth initiatives that will involve the concept of “sustainable development” - To provide youth workers, NGO leaders, policy makers, decision takers, etc. the necessary information, resources and training to empower young people back into their countries - To share good practices that could be implemented in different countries Partner Countries: Belgium : JOETZ vzw laurence.watticant@joetz.be Spain: NGO LIBERTAS INTERNATIONAL infolibertasinternational@gmail.com Poland: 11 Muz Foundation iwonahaak@gmail.com Czech Republic : AEGEE-Praha barbora.hantonova@aegee-praha.cz Greece : NGO NUESTRO MUNDO info@nuestromundo.gr Portugal : Associação Cidadania Viva sedeacv@gmail.com

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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 28 participants

from Belgium - FL, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Spain

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers

Working language(s):



Association ALTEA FRANCE (Youth NGO)

ALTEA FRANCE est une organisation non gouvernementale, reconnue comme association de Jeunesse et d'Education Populaire, organisme de formation et accréditée pour la coordination du Service Volontaire Européen.

Le but de cette association est de contribuer à l'aide au développement durable, a la coopération internationale et à l'action humanitaire vers les populations adhérentes ou suivies par les ONG partenaires avec réalisation d'activités de formation, d'échanges de jeunes et de cadres, de transfert de technologie et de matériels.

Son secteur géographique d'intervention est l'espace EURO-MEDITERRANEEN, l'AFRIQUE SUB-SAHELIENNE et l'OCEAN INDIEN.

C’est au travers d’actions de formation de cadres pour l’animation urbaine au Maghreb ; de la réalisation de stages pour animateurs et travailleurs sociaux Français au Afrique ( Maghreb, Afrique de l’Ouest) ; de missions de consultant dans les champs de l’animation, de l’éducation informelle et de l’insertion sociale ; d’organisation d’ échanges de jeunes et de séminaires de formation entre l’Europe et les pays tiers, d’échanges dans le cadre du PMJ de la Francophonie ; de la réalisation de transfert de technologies et de matériels notamment par l’organisation de convois humanitaires, de la réalisation de programmes de cooperation et développement que l’association poursuit ses buts de faire avancer le progrès social en veillant à ce que la personne humaine reçoive les moyens de devenir un être libre, responsable de soi, reconnu dans sa dignité et sa pleine citoyenneté.

Ses actions reposent sur les Droits Universels de l’Homme, la Charte Africaine des Droits de l'Homme et des Peuples, la Convention Européenne des Droits de l’Homme (CEDH) et les Droits de l’Enfant, sur la Laïcité et le respect des différences et de la diversité, sur l’égalité homme femme, sur l’inter culturalité, sur la citoyenneté, sur le principe de la non discrimination et sur le principe du libre choix.

Contact for questions:

Cristina Juan Carrion


Phone: 0033647257372


We will reimburse the 70% of travel costs of participants. Accomodation and meals are provided. If you are selected, please before booking your tickets send us an email with your journey specifying the total amount of planned travel costs.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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