Meet'in EuroMed

Issue 5


Issue 5 -July 2005

(1.9 MB) (by Esther Gelabert and Judith Neisse, EU experts based in Brussels)
2.NA's point of view
(1.8 MB) The strategy of the German National Agency in relation to Euro Mediterranean cooperation in the Youth field (by Mireille Gras, German NA)
3.Training Events:
TOTEM training course (1.8 MB) (by Jana Horr, training reporter) TATEM training course (1.7 MB) (by the training team and Essie Arbiv)
4.Participant's perspective:
Common memory, common heritage (254 KB) (by Razan Nasser, Jordan)
5.EuroMed good practices:
Action 1: "My Tales Country" (1.7 MB) (by Rasa Visockiene, Lithuania)
Action 2: "Euromed Voluntary service comes to Kfar Vradim, Israel" (153 KB) (by Dan Wollner, Israel) and "A Thousand and One nights" EVS in Euromed countries (157 KB) (By Leo Kaserer, Austria)
TCs 2005 (291 KB)

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