Research: Base Your Work on Knowledge

Research on young people with fewer opportunities, and the obstacles they have to face, is food for thought and enables evidence-based policy and practice.

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  • Inclusion & Diversity in EU youth programmes

    When it comes to the European Youth Programmes, Inclusion & Diversity has been one of the main priorities for a while and will continue beyond 2027!

    Inclusion & Diversity in EU youth programmes
  • How Mobility affects Inclusion Groups

    SALTO Inclusion asked the University of Innsbruck for an inclusion analysis of the impact of Youth in Action.

    How Mobility affects Inclusion Groups
  • What works and what doesn't work

    SALTO Inclusion commissioned a series of studies about the 'success criteria' of interventions in the youth field, in order to inspire youth workers and provide them with guidelines to strengthen their own practice:

    What works and what doesn't work
  • Intercultural Competence Research Report

    This research aims at giving validity to the 'working definition' of Intercultural Competence created for SALTO Cultural Diversity as well as linking the current practice to theory. The report elicits how far the qualities within Intercultural Competence can be part of youth work practice, and it illustrates them with real examples to make the definition operational.

  • More Inclusion Research

    Other institutions have conducted or commissioned great research that gives further insight into issues related to Inclusion.

    More Inclusion Research
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