NA Strategic Partnership for Inclusion

Erasmus+ Youth National Agencies & SALTO centres cooperate strategically to involve more inclusion organisations and increase the participation of young people with fewer opportunities in the Erasmus+ programme and European Solidarity Corps.

A strategic approach​

The consortium of NAs developed a strategic approach to reach out and involve 4 target groups that are underrepresented in Erasmus+ and Solidarity Corps in the different countries. In subgroups, they take the following steps:

  1. mapping new organisations & needs analysis
  2. motivation, information & capacity building
  3. partnership building & networking
  4. support for international mobility as part of their inclusion work
  5. mapping existing resources & tools or creating new ones
  6. monitoring impact & documenting the tested approaches 

Target groups

The NAs in SPI reach out specifically to organisations working with the following youngsters:

  • Young people experiencing barriers because of disabilities and/or health issues (AT, BE-FL, CH, DE, DK, EE, EL, FI, FR, HR, IS, LT, LV, MK, PL, PT, RO, SK).
  • Young people in a NEET situation (AT, BE-FL, BE-DE, CZ, DE, DK, EE, EL, ES, FI, FR, IT, LV, NL, PT, RO, SE).
  • Young people living in rural areas (EE, FI, EL, IE, IT, LT, LV, MK, RO)
  • Young people facing barriers in a post-migration society (AT, BE-FL, CH, DE, EE, EL, ES, FI, LV, PL).

Interim results (August 2019)*

  • The SPI reached out to 2078 NEW inclusion organisations
  • 623 of those (=30% vs 28% in 2018) responded positively/showed interest
  • 810 inclusion workers of those 'interested organisations' (=130% vs 103% in 2018) participated in a national SPI activity - some NAs worked with umbrella organisations who sent more than one inclusion worker
  • 275 inclusion workers of those 'interested organisations' (=44% vs 33% in 2018) participated in an international SPI activity
  • In August 2019, these inclusion workers/organisations organised 68 E+ projects (43 in 2018) as a result of SPI, including appr. 745 young people with fewer opportunities (654 in 2018) - but we expect more at the next deadline

Both the national and international SPI activities events significantly contributed to participants' knowledge of and motivation to organise international youth projects (on a scale of 0 to 5).**

  • National event: knowledge before = avg 2.76 > after = avg 3.77 out of 5
  • National event: motivation before = avg 3.25 > after = avg 4.14 out of 5
  • International event: knowledge before = avg 2.40 > after = avg 3.86 out of 5
  • International event: motivation before = avg 3.49 > after = avg 4.35 out of 5

*Statistics extrapolated from 12 out of 20 monitoring reports.
**Evaluation based on 17 national and 3 international SPI events.

Practical tools for inclusion


The following National Agencies are actively involved in SPI: Austria, Belgium-FL, Belgium-DE, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. The SPI is coordinated by SALTO Inclusion & Diversity.


The following downloads are available:

  • Engage in Inclusion!

    A guide on disability-inclusive European youth projects. (Strategic Partnership for Inclusion, 2021)

  • Cookbook for inclusion for NAs

    How do you get new young people with fewer opportunities in European projects? How do you find more resources to work on inclusion? How to reach out more effectively? This cookbook has loads of practical recipes for inclusion.

  • SPI Achievements June 2018

    An overview of how the Strategic Partnership of Inclusion made a difference: statistics, stories, approaches, results.

  • Beyond Disability: European Mobility for ALL

    A practical guide for organisations interested in European mobility activities involving young people with disabilities.

  • Strategic Partnership on Inlcusion - results end 2017

    An update of the impact of the National Agency work on inclusion in the framework of the Strategic Partnership on Inlcusion.

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